Hi everyone! Before I get started, I'd like to introduce myself a little. I am currently a college athlete at a Division 1 university and am interested in health, fitness, and mental wellness. What has gotten me so interested in all of these things is my personal story.
Part 1. High School
Yes, this is where my journey begins. Terrible, right? Well, that term "terrible" also kind of describes my life in high school, not to mention self-confidence or positive self-image. Being called fat or ugly was a common occurrence for me growing up. Until I found athletics. Athletics, body training, and eating healthy are some of the things I'm most interested in, as of right now.
Why? Because the success stories are awesome, and because people deserve to not feel shitty about themselves every day. People should be able to work towards a goal and when they look in the mirror, they don't and shouldnt have to immediately point out all of their flaws but point out everything they love about themselves. Currently, I am not pursuing this as a full time career, but one day, maybe I can make it happen. Who wouldnt want to blog about what makes them happy every day?
Part 2. Self Acceptance and College
Who woulda thought the fat, ugly girl in high school would have hit puberty and like develop cheek bones. Seriously!!! Who woulda freaking thought that was a possibility. Not only did my body mature, but so did my mind, and so did my soul. Cheesy as it is to say. Once I was in college and no one had been saying the mean shit that had followed me around my whole life I had a brain blast, and came to the realization that I wasnt any of that in high school. I just wasnt stick thin like the lucky, high metabolism bitches in my high school. None of them are bitches, theyre just lucky with their genetics. So, thats when I decided that it was time I started working on myself and stopped giving a crap about what other people thought.
Part 3. Loving myself
If you wanted to drive a car, the first thing youd have to do is take CONTROL of the car, and make it do what you want it to do. Maintence is the every day stuff, eating your veggies, drinking plenty of water, doing your squats, and taking the occcasional shots if you so need.
And that is just a little intro to my life story
Yeah, this section needs some work, but its definitely getting the TLC it needs. I started loving myself last summer and I don't mean in the fruit cakey way of #selflove. I mean really decide who I want to be and stick by it, and love it no matter what I decided to do with the rest of my life. Which, is become a nurse by the way. Anyways....I started by taking better care of myself in the nutrition department, and since I am a division 1 athlete, I already get plenty of work outs in, mandatory or not. Once I did start avidly putting work and making myself feel loved, I did see an immediate difference. I was HAPPY, and this is coming from a girl, fresh out of her first year at college, coming off a homesick, lovesick, anxiety mixed with a hint of depression first year. Anyways, I was happier and other people were for me. I was beginning to fit in with the girls I had so long idolized without trying and was becoming the best version of myself and not letting other's opinions effecting and ruining my whole life. Taking control is one of the first key steps to happiness I think.
Good thoughts