
You know, that's one of the hardest questions to answer. Cause its obvious that some people are still sick despite of having an intimate relationship with God. I've known some who are in that kind of situation myself. This is gonna be a long comment so I hope you'll be patient to read this through.

Well, first, getting sick is unavoidable for we are still living in a corrupt world that is soon to be replaced. None of us our exempted from getting sick whether you are a believer or not. But I believe that Christ bore all of our sicknesses and it provided our healing. And it is his will for us to be always well and whole. Isaiah 53:5 says that by the wounds of Jesus we are healed. There is a difference between trying to get healed and being actually healed. Remember when Jesus said "It is finished!" before dying on the cross? It means that all the sufferings that a man would ever experience ended in Christ. In our eyes, we still see sufferings existing. But in God's eyes, all of that are done away. God sees us healed and whole already, while we still see ourselves sick and weak.

Now, try to see yourself the way God sees you. If you have the faith, try to mind not all of the pain or sicknesses that you have in your body. And try to see yourself whole and well and without sickness for that is how God sees you now. Don't just ask God to heal you, speak and confess that you are already healed by the offering of Jesus. I'm speaking this way because I know that there is unending hope for every believer. God said that you will not be placed in a situation that you cannot overcome.

When the Israelites were bitten by poisonous snakes in the desert, Moses made a bronze snake and placed it on a pole. Everyone who look at that bronze snake suddenly became healed. That bronze snake in the pole is a picture of Jesus crucified on the cross. Everyone who looks at Jesus constantly will experience healing. Look unto the healing that Jesus provided and away from your sickness. For the past 6 years this is what I confess and believe. I myself experienced victory over various sicknesses. My face was covered by acne all over before but now is cleared from those blemishes without taking medication. No sickness can stay in my body for more than a day. It was all when I started to see and believe that I'am already healed by the stripes of Jesus. It wasn't easy at first, but as years go by, my body couldn't do anything but to submit to what I believe.

Secondly, I believe that the Holy Communion is important for our health. Jesus reminded his disciples to do it in remembrance of him. As we take the bread and drink the cup, we declare that Jesus died along with our sickness. It is not just some ritual that is done during church services. The early church in Corinth failed to practice the Communion that's why many of them are sick and some even died
(1 Corinthians 11:17-34).

Another thing that we need is rest. Rest is not just a physical thing, it is also spiritual. That's why the Lord commanded the Israelites to rest every 7th day. Their whole land, people and livestock are to rest for the whole 7th year to give them a break from toiling. Rest and do not worry knowing that Christ provided everything that you need.

Lastly, one should be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit gives us empowerment. And it is our comforter and teacher. It will teach us all things even the deep things of God. The church today don't teach a lot about the Holy Spirit nor baptize most of the people in church. It is our empowerment, without it you would really have a hard time receiving what Christ did for you. For human mind cannot comprehend the things of the spirit. Only the Holy Spirit can make us understand and believe spiritual things. If you are not baptized yet by the Holy Spirit ask him to come unto you now.

These are all the things that worked perfectly for me to receive the healing that I need. And I believe you can receive yours too or anyone whom you know that are sick despite of loving God. But whatever happens, we are always victorious in Christ. For those who can't receive the healing that they need even after reading this, whether we live or die, we are winners because of our faith in Christ. Nothing can separate us from the love of God and this is a fact whether we receive our healing or not. Even at death you are still a winner for you will finally be in Christ. But I believe there is hope for everybody. I've seen some people who received healing and kept on living by clinging on that hope as well as some who chose to embrace their sickness and death to be finally with Christ. The decision is up to you. God will honor what you will choose.

I hope you receive something from my response. Sorry that it took my answer this long for just a short question. Have a blessed day! Peace and the love of Christ be with you!