The Most Important Analysis (Very short, please read)

in #health7 years ago

It's obvious that most peoples ability to analyze is alarmingly impaired. As your brain collects information it goes through a process that helps you make good decisions. Without the analytical process, you won't make many or any good decisions at all.
Take for instance, Fluoride in drinking water. We are told it's good for our teeth, So they put it in our drinking water! If we stopped to analyze just that, We would think, Why put it in the water? Can't people with bad teeth put it in their own water? What are the side effects? Maybe I should look into this a little deeper? Why is there a fluoride poison warning label on the toothpaste tube ? Is this safe for my kids? They eat the stuff all the time! Could this be what's causing cancer in children? Am I being effected by it? How would I know?
What a coincidence that I chanced on Fluoride as our subject for analysis. Fluoride directly effects our ability to analyze by impairing the portion of the brain that does the analyzing. It is the main ingredient in rat poison. It calcifies the pineal gland, often referred to as the 3rd eye. Without the ability to fully process all the information we receive, We don't analyze anything. We aren't curious. We make no decisions at all, unless it becomes an issue. We trust uninformed opinions because we lack the ability to competently analyze things for ourselves. That's why we consume it without thought. If this article does not raise a brow, You are seriously fluoridated. It is in almost everything that has water in it.
Since I've avoided fluoride and took steps to regain proper cognitive function, I am sharing this as my First observation as the most important analysis.


Indeed a true observation, critical thinking is suffering more then ever.

If the earth orbited the sun every year this would happen.(365 days rotation, spherical bodies)

12:00 PM 21 mars, spring solstice, Midday @ 12.00PM as it should.
12:00 PM ~23 sept, autumn solstice, Midnight @ 12.00PM eh fail. We are facing away from the sun after 180 degrees rotation, at the same instance in time. Try it, when T = 4368 hours, We face away from the sun @ 12.00 PM....

Midnight at 12PM ? yeah this is what would happen when we are facing the other way, away from the sun, after spinning 182 days or circa: 180 degree, a monkey would realize this. But... not a fucking human believes me? I can and have simulated it, friends can and have watched it, seen that it dose´t work, still they just can´t wrap their poisoned minds around the most simplistic ideas....

It is time to question the things we take for granted, or they will be our doom.

Fluoride is not safe, I would bet my scientific carrier on that, still I am forced to stick to the "accepted and scientifically proven" facts when addressing clients. I recently worked with water / food analyzes on the biggest analytical company in Europe, and anything under 10 mg is just w/e , and we advice avoid drinking it under age 3 or so. I thin under 44 mg / L could count as low ^^

Peace bro

Accepted And Scientifically Proven Facts = (AASPF) ----- aaspf,s ----- sounds like farts ---- they're a lot alike too. Both create a void and smell bad

haha :) true that!

@brotherdave, it's been a while you came in here and I was a bit worried. Glad you are back now.

You made vital points in your analysis. In most cases we don't question authorities simply because we think that they are right. Your case study is perfect. We all need to start using the analytic part of our brain.


very interested me to read it @brotherdave

The analysis is very powerful and very important to us to know. Thanks for sharing @brotherdave.

How you doin @brotherdave

Keeping the faith. Less faith less happy.

that's right,less faith,less happy,

;-)) = (xtra happy) #=={ o } = guitar : - o = silly


very very good post, long I do not see your post @brotherdave

been a little busy thanks for noticing

yes @brotherdave .. i will wait for posting for the next from you

Very good post and a proper analysis of fluoride, I also think so, but there are still many foods that contain fluoride such as meat, milk, cheese, chicken eggs and vegetables. May you always be healthy and successful @brotherdave😊

very happy to see your post @brotherdave, long time i did not see your post, where have you been @brotherdave ..?

Help me, want more my level again as before, please upvote with you @brotherdave