State violence will not solve a problem caused by state violence.
(in The US) the FDA has sold us out. They are the number one culprit in the causation of diabetes, and obesity.
Lets take milk as an example. Everyone "knows" that pasturization is good for people, because the milk won't make anyone sick, however pasturization kills the milk. It is now no longer a perfect food, it is a dead food, with lots of bad consequences for ingesting it. (and homogenization is even worse)
The FDA has assured us that their "perfect" diet is good for us, although it was bought and paid for by big Ag.
Most people do not do well on grains. Especially grains with fast rise times. (it used to be that bread was made over 24 hours, now it is 3) Even more so with grains with lots of yeast and added gluten.
Like the buns you find at McDs.
The food at McDs is all FDA certified. It is cooked and then irradiated so that no germs can possibly exist.
However, MdDs food has very little nutrition content. Calories are not a measure of how much energy your body gets out of food, it is how much energy you get out of food if you burn it in a fire. And so, the people who eat at McDs are actually being starved.
This starvation triggers lower metabolism and higher fat storage.
Along with the couch potatoe lifestyle, this is destruction to the body.
And the FDA encourages this.
So, have more state violence, to "solve" the other state violence will only kill more people faster.