Whenever a celebrity or someone of note dies of a drug overdose or even those who kill themselves you always hear people say something like “why would they use drugs with everything they have?”. They disregard the whole idea of happiness and what makes happiness and seem to equate fame and fortune to a fulfilling life, which is far from the truth. I think to answer this question we have to look at happiness as a whole and why someone in their position might be using drugs to try and attain happiness.

I have written a few articles on the idea that money doesnt buy happiness, because it really doesnt. However, there is a level of wealth that does increase happiness, mostly because it removes the biggest stresses of day to day life that make us unhappy. If you are worried about whether or not you can afford to feed yourself or pay your rent the next week, you arent going to be a happy person. However the level needed is relatively low before money ends up only adding marginal happiness at a very very low level, that only gets smaller. The happiness gained from buying a $30,000 car to drive isnt that much less than one gained from buying a $300,000 car in the long run.
Happiness is relative to the person as well so what you might consider a happy life might be miserable for someone else. If you apply this on a larger scale you have countries where people are middle class but living in what we would consider poverty, but they are happy because its what they know. So on to the main topic, why do many of these noteworthy people take drugs in the first place? Simply because the majority of them taking the drugs are unhappy with their lives to begin with. They might feel like they are not living a life worth anything or they might just not have much to live for.

Celebrities live in a very fake world where people are often around them only to agree with them or be their friend. Theres a reason they usually marry and spend time with eachother, because they need someone on their level that they don't think is using them for some reason. Being cut off from a large amount of human interactions because of this, is very damaging to the frame of mind and a very sad existance. In many ways even if people want to be their friend they just want to be on the same level as everyone else. Also not to mention if you can have anything you want, theres nothing you need to really work for. In many ways I think if we looked into their lives, you would not envy them.
Hard drugs many people use and continue using because they make their day to day lives feel better. They suddenly dont feel the depression or sadness that they have in the past. For celebrities who actually live a very limited life that is hard to escape, drugs may seem like the answer. For this reason these notable people are never going to stop taking drugs to make them happy. Its not only limited to celebrities though, there are many people who feel the same way, which is why we have such a problem with drugs in the first world. The key is many people lack purpose or meaning which only compounds the problem.
I think there's an order to follow in the things of life, a step-by-step path that we skip or change far too often, and this kind of paradox show that we're not really working on ourselves as much as we should, as a species.
When you talk relationships, for instance, I think you have to understand how to be self-sufficient and how to be ok with what you are, before you can really consider loving someone else, or you risk ruining a relationship because of that big hole inside and the constant need for affection.
I guess money and wealth are similar, in a way; one needs to understand what happiness really means and what the important things in life are, before getting to a point where they can buy anything, or money will just be another mean to fill a gap that is not really meant to be filled with material stuff. As you said, purpose and meaning are something that we frequently lack.
I also think, in a way, our education systems are way too concerned with notions and don't really teach people about what it means to be human. People grow up thinking about things and not really considering who they are and why they're here. I've actually met people who refuse to even hear this question altogether.
I agree with pretty much all you said. Being a happy healthy human is actually incredibly hard, even people on the outside who look like the have it together might be suffering on the inside. I agree we are advancing the distractions around us, but we neglect what it means to be human in many cases.
It goes to show money and fame does not mean happiness.
You got a 7.41% upvote from @mitsuko courtesy of @jmehta!
I think they probably turn to drugs because since they have already everything they wanted, they might be looking for new experiences and new sensations, and drugs are exactly that.
I don't know what it is to have everything you want and everything you will ever need, but I think some people might get bored from it, so they might look at drugs as a way to bring a little more fun into their lives.
Exactly. Sometimes getting everything you ever wanted isnt a happily ever after life.
It's because drugs are fun.
Recreational drugs used in small amounts I dont have a problem with too much. It is those mentally and physically addicted to them which pose a problem.
Everybody run to success
Feeling healthy is so much better than feeling compromised by foreign substances
this "turn to drugs" is to much generic.
for example people who smoke ganja and people who sniff cocaine have opposite aims , the former to relax and the latter to thrive.
And you don't need to be unhappy to "turn to drugs" , you can be happy all the way yet enjoy the pleasures drugs can give you ...after all you do it every time you have a drinking evening with friends.
Your article is on point. I've been seeing a video on YT comparing heroin users with regular patients at the hospital taking morphine. While morphine is more powerful than heroin because it's more pure, people don't become addicts after staying at the hospital. They also made an experiment with rats having accesss to heroin in 2 different settings : one with an empty cage and the other with a cage full of other rats and games. They saw that in the second cage the rats didn't need heroin. They were saying it's because of the connexion you have with people around you that you don't become an addict.