Health Benefits Of Folic Acids

in #health7 years ago

Folic acids is also know as Vitamin B9, It is part of the Vitamin B complex family. There are many health benefits of folic acid but on this blogpost i will educate us on some of them. Like its benefits to the heart, skin, male fertility, stroke, cholesterol, pregnancy etc. Folic acid is very important to the well being of the body hence you are always advice to eat foods containing folic acid or take its supplements.

1 Prevent Stroke
Folic acid can prevent stroke because it has the ability to remove homocysteine From the heart by turning it methionine. According to medical research, Homocysteine is the main culprit when it comes to having issue with stroke.. eating foods rich in folic acid or taking the supplement always can help you prevent stroke.

2 Improve Male Fertility
Another health benefits of folic acid is its ability to men that have issues with quality sperm production. Taking folic acid supplements or eating foods that are rich in folic acid can help In the production of quality sperms. It can also help the women getting prepared for pregnancy to avoid defects in babies.
Folic acid combine with other nutrients can help in fixing weak libido caused by Arteriosclerosis Because of its ability to lower high cholesterol.

3 Maintain Cholesterol Level
Bile help the body maintain its level of cholesterol and studies have it that an increase in folic acid intake boost the production of bile in the body. The importance of folic acid to the lowering of cholesterol can not be over emphasized. Many persons have died from.bad cholesterol related diseases but with this new discovery people can now live a healthy life. Placing yourself on 0.3 mg for 18 weeks will help your body produce enough bile that will balance the cholesterol level in your body for a healthy living.

4 Prevent Anemia

As you consume foods rich in folic acid or take the supplements as prescribed by your doctor there will be increase in hemoglobin in your body because of the increase in the production of red blood cell. Hemoglobin is responsible for the transportation of oxygen throughout the body. One great health benefits of folic acid is its ability to stimulate the bone marrow to produce red blood cells. When your body is loaded with quality red blood cells, there will be no room for anemia in your life especially if you are having or living with cancer of the blood or sickle cell anemia associated.html?m=1

5 Beneficial For Pregnant Women
Folic acid health benefits to pregnant women can not be over emphasized. It is helpful to both the mother and the child. Folic acid helps the pregnant woman go through pregnancy without complications. Especially if the woman is having neural tube defect disease. Eating enough foods loaded with folic acid will help your body overcome this disease. Neutral tube defect is the main culprit in miscarriages, deformed babies, underdeveloped fetus and brain damage in children.

6 Healthier Skin
The skin can also benefit from the goodness of folic acid. It can help the skin fight aging by making the skin firm and tender. Folic acid also help the body fight acne and recover from it.