The closed debate roughly when Apple's iPhones flooded our markets. Do cell phones cause cancer?

in #health8 years ago

I have been so busy over the weekend at work so i have not been able to post many food posts so i thought i would share some of my thoughts. I was chatting to some of my younger work colleagues and they were quite stumped and also agreed with what i mentioned, im not sure exactly what we were talking about but im glad it came up.


I remember when i was younger there was huge debate about mobile phones causing cancers, mainly tumors of the brain from the "radio waves". It was a very major concern i remember. Im not 32 so it was roughly 10 years ago, if that. Now im not sure when these discussions stopped, and if they stopped, but since Apple released there iPhones in June 07 their has been no mention of this nor has any "mainstream media" been involved with any scientists like they were prior.


Believe me i love my iPhone and i love my technology. I have always had a PC in my room from when i was allowed to, not so much anymore as now i have a wife :P But what im trying to say is i am a millennial that loves his tech! What i do question is the safety. I feel that we are moving ahead so quickly without really testing things. I think this can be also said in regards to GMO foods which are pesticide friendly?!?! Really? HTF can anything be pesticide friendly / happy to be sprayed with that rubbish and survive...... Common!

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Anyway phones are the topic here.

According to the WHO (world health organisation) : The electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phones are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as possibly carcinogenic to humans.
Now i know brain tumors are actually quite rare. I think the numbers are currently at 3 in 100 000 who actually get them. The studies have shown that these numbers have increased from heavy cell phone use to 9 in 100 000. My question is how long have these studies been studied? Sounds stupid right? But we have only had a couple of generations really impacted by cell phones. These phones however have become so sophisticated, especially in the last few years so we wont have accurate studies into this topic for a few more years. And if we know how most things these days are covered up by the cooperate world then we may never know until its too late.
One thing that i have experienced personally and have had a few friends of mine comment on is that extended conversations on a phone can make your given side quite hot or feel strange. Coincidence?


Scary fact - More people have access to a phone than a working toilet! Thats friggin insane..... Usually most people do most of their "face time" on a working toilet so how is that even true :P But it is!


I guess its a very painful debate that no one actually wants to delve into any more because even if it were an increased risk, would you stop?

Please comment and upvote!



There have been countless studies about this and there is literally no connection between a phone and cancer. Our phones are safe.

And no GMO Foods aren't toxic man, it's just a stupid belief that anything that comes from the lab is filled with chemicals. GMO foods are actually better. Here's a video explaining GMO:

click here!This post received a 3.9% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ch00fy! For more information,

There is a lot of snake-oil being sold, and fortunes are being made, off of good people wanting to protect themselves from cell-phone radiation exposure. But, there is an even bigger fortune being made off of purveyors of "safe" technologies, vaccines, practices, etc. Reducing your exposure to high frequency radio is a very good idea. So who do we believe...?You can't really avoid EMF radiation these days unless you move to the country (which I have), but a clear understanding of how radio waves work is helpful for putting your mind at rest.The intensity of radiation emanating from a source, whether it is sound waves or electromagnetic waves is always subject to the "inverse-square-law". That is, "distance is your friend". Double the distance and you cut the intensity by a factor of four! So, unless you are making measurements within the "near-field", or Freznel zone (this is why I completely distrust ultrasound being used on little babies) where "nonlinear effects" prevail, the intensity will diminish four times each time you double the distance. This is a basic principle of physics. Side comment...ultrasound can generate destructive "supercavitation". That's why it is used to dissolve kidney stones and why I distrust its overuse in clinics.The intensity of cellular telephone EMF is also affected by "directivity"...the higher the directivity (or focus) the more intense the field and the deeper the unpredictable, nonlinear, Freznel zone. Cell phone are designed to produce a non focused radiation pattern...that way they will perform reliable when you hold the phone in any position. Yet their short wavelength also implies a greater susceptibility to, what antenna designers call, "constructive interference" or greater directivity! Confused yet?Upshot...these protective devices and patches could actually intensify EMF intensity in one direction! Not good. There should be serious, third-party testing on these gimmics in order to derive objective data. Until then I would recommend a plug-in headset with a 36" connecting cable, or a hands-free mic/speakerphone when making long calls.

Thanks for a excellent reply mate

Yeah.. Everyone of us knows of what danger of excessive using of cellphone to us. But I think no one can stop using cellphone

ye exactly mate... i just wonder where the discussion went since Apple really got cranking! Thanks for your comment!

Yeah I saw the same thing too I think about ten years ago. I think this is just one of those things that the media reports on that is just them trying to spread FUD to try and get more views. It's probably one of those things that you are more likely to win the lottery, get struck by lightning , and then win the lottery again than to get brain cancer form the amount we use cell phones, but they see it as there is a chance! I guess only time will tell though.

Ye mate time will tell