How To Detox The "Sleeper Toxin" Glyphosate From Your Body To Prevent Autism!

in #health7 years ago


One out of every two children are expected to be diagnosed with autism by 2025, research scientist Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., concluded one of the largest factors to this is the toxic crop chemical glyphosate.

History Of Glyphosate

Glyphosate is the primary ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup herbicide. It was originally intended to become an industrial cleansing agent to remove heavy metals and other related substances out of clogged pipes.

It was after the discovery of glyphosate's microbial killing properties that it would be transformed into one of the most widely used weed killers worldwide.

Glyphosate Directly Linked With Autism?

Research compiled by Dr. Seneff also correlates with data that was published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These studies reveal that the popular belief released by Monsanto that glyphosate is "safe" for human use is false.

Data released by the CDC in 2014 shows one in 68 children fall into the spectrum of autism - this is a massive increase from one in 2,000 children the 1980s.

Even more shocking, autism was not in public health radar until glyphosate was introduced. Rates of the disease increase sharply alongside the increased use of glyphosate in chemical agriculture.

In addition to autism, glyphosate is also linked to (but not limited to) the following health conditions:

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

  • Food allergies

  • Asthma

  • Leaky gut syndrome

  • Irritable bowel disease (IBD)

  • Alzheimers

  • Dementia

  • Heart Disease

  • Cancer

This phenomenon is described as "devastating" by Dr. Seneff.

Sulfur-Rich Foods May Be The Best Preventative Measure Against Glyphosate!

It is definitely not only Dr. Seneff who is preaching this cure. The World Health Organization (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer made the claim several years ago that glyphosate is a "probable carcinogen" for humans.

But it is still being sprayed on conventional and genetically-modified (GM) soy, corn, canola, beets, peanuts, and legumes.

When thinking practically about the situation, many say that glyphosate can easily be washed off fruits/vegetables. WRONG!

Glyphosate is absorbed into every one of a plant's cells and it does not stop there! "Glyphosate infected cells" can combine with other toxins and exponentially increase the toxicity of our food, causing hormone disruption, damaged metabolism, impaired liver function and imbalance in gut microbiota.


The Importance Of Detoxification

Dr. Seneff stresses the importance of glyphosate detoxification, she says this will help remove the so called "sleep toxin" from the body and minimize the harm it causes.

If glyphosate is allowed to stay in your body for long, it will prevent red blood cells from maintaining a healthy level of vitamin C, which is vital for heart and blood vessel health. Glyphosate could also lead to fatty liver disease because it disrupts fructose metabolism and sulfate synthesis.

Surprisingly, Dr. Seneff also recommends a diet that is high in cholesterol because glyphosate often strips this nutrient from the body. Eating wild seafood and pastured, organic eggs is also an important step to detoxify the body. Probiotic food like yogurt, kefir and kombucha, as well as sulfur-rich cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower will also help.

These preventative measures are very important because until glyphosate is completely banned from agriculture, there is no way to completely avoid it. This is because it ends up in almost all of our food that is not certified organic or grown at home where it is safely away from the chemical sprayers.

I will leave you with a few podcasts from Dr. Seneff:

Sources: 1, 2.

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Great post.
I can imagine that if they did a combined study about pesticides, herbicides, pollution, and vaccines they would determine someone is trying to kill off the human race. Bringing it down to about 500 million.
Remember you heard it from me first.
The wife @lovenfreedom and I were talking today about all the new revelations coming out lately. We have determined that they are just part of the distraction and that there is something much bigger than any of us know of coming down the pipe.

There letting us all know they are spying on everyone, no bones about it.
Trying to make us think there are many Boogy men like Russia, Muslims, Radical Christians, Patriots and the such.
But the real boogy men are hiding and we will only know who they are when they are done cooking us.

Absolutely true brother! It is paradigm-shift time for sure!

You will enjoy this post I made about the start of the end of warrantless spy tech used on American citizens (hopefully).

Thanks I am looking at it now.

Thanks for this useful info bro ;)

We have resolved Esteban's apparent asthma by getting him to eat raw broccoli every day.

That is good to hear @samstonehill!

I bet the doctor did not recommend the broccoli 🤣

This is a great article. Grow your own never was better advice than now. Resteemed to help spread awareness. 👍

Much appreciate the help @shookriya! Grow your own is the only way 👍

Boy am I glad I am beginning to grow my own veggies... All this shit ain't news to me.. like Atrazine and its ability to make men into women.
Bunch of soy boys running around these days.

When will it end! Don't forget the poison they spray in the sky too!

That sounds awesome! Keep it up. Also have a great garden in my house.

exactly. "You Can't think these thoughts, slave."

Thanks for your great post. Autism isn't something we should joke with, I don't know how it it strongly related to other conditions mentioned above,but they are equally dangerous . Thanks once again for your new information. Going down with sulphur containing foods.

Also consider the cholesterol if you believe you have glyphosate in your system.

Stay healthy, stay informed, Steem on!

Grow food at home. Buy from your local farmer. Better yet-- Visit your local farm! Know your farmer, help them out. Make a donation. We can take back our food.

Taking back our food is the best start to taking back our freedom! Thank you for this comment 👍

Good advice, a lot of those foods will help detox from heavy metals as well. Broccoli and cruciferous vegetables are very detoxifying. Personally I try to stick with as many organic things as possible.

That is the only way to truly stay healthy. Enjoy your happy & healthy life!

One way is to eat right and exercise and all that and the other way is to have the right genes. I guess about half of people over 100 are that old because they do healthy things and the other half is just lucky to have good genes and can smoke and drink and live next to an oil refinery and eat all the bacon they like.