Trying to improve our diet is a modern battle almost everyone has these days. When McDonald's tries to improve the nutritional value of their food they sure say the right things...
The PR campaign that has been pushed in the last few years promised hormone and antibiotic free chicken for U.S. consumers, limited antibiotics in all meat served, "healthy" fizzy drinks and a promise to release healthier kids' happy meals around the globe by 2022.
Is McDonald's really committed to providing food that is "safe, great quality, offers choice and is produced in a responsible way"?
Their website sure says so!
FOOD at McDonald is higher in calories, sugar and salt than it was 30 years ago, despite its pledges to be healthier.
Only 2 days ago The Sun released this article.
The article exposed the lies that McDonald has been telling you for years, the following two images were presented in the article:
The image on the left represents the product which has been deemed to have been made healthier over the years. On the right we have the truth: Big Mac's sugar content has increased 221% since 1989!
The other products also have significant increases in all things unhealthy! It is very easy for The Sun to find this data because McDonald is very proud to display the nutritional information of their food.
All Talk McDonald's?
These figures truly are shocking,” said Professor Graham McGregor of Action on Sugar. “At a time when the food industry should be making strides to reduce the amount of foods high in sugar, salt, saturated fat and calories, McDonald’s is clearly lagging behind.”
McDonald's has a bad track record when it comes to acting upon their words. In 2015, The Guardian called them out on their promise to stop serving chicken which has been injected with antibiotics after they failed to deliver the same promise back in 2003.

The Guardian reported:
The world’s largest restaurant chain has announced it will stop selling chicken raised with antibiotics that are important to human health. The move comes following pressure from US government bodies and others who fear the practice is contributing to the rise in antibiotic-resistant infections.
Food chain experts hailed the move and said it would pressure rivals to make similar changes – but they also highlighted that McDonald’s had yet to fulfil a similar pledge made in 2003.
This was a reaction after McDonald's profits plummeted after customers found other fast food chains (Chipotle & Panera Bread) that were using only antibiotic-free meat.
The Guardian quoted a 2003 statement which promised:
McDonald’s prohibits the use of antibiotics belonging to classes of compounds approved for use in human medicine when used solely for growth promotion purposes. Growth promotion is defined as the use of antibiotics for any purpose other than disease treatment, control or prevention.

McDonald Is CRAP!
When a McDonald's spokesperson was approached for a comment, he could not explain why McDonald had failed to live up to it's earlier commitment and had no proof that it would follow through at all this time.
This conglomerate has no interest in the health of you or your children! McDonald is one of the worst junk foods out there!

McDonald Is A Real Estate Business
If you have not watched the Founder (2016) yet I highly recommend it. I do not want to give too much away but it is the story of how McDonald started from the ground up.
The thing I realized the most from the film is that McDonald does not care at all about food sales, it is about owning as much property around the globe as they can! They are everywhere...
A true business oriented company in the both the fast food industry and real estate.
I will leave you with the Founder's trailer and one message: stop eating at McDonald's!
Sources for images are provided by clicking on the images.
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My Guess is If someone still eats (if you can call it that) at MacDogShhhhhh... then they aren't going there for Health. They are just putting themselves that much closer to waking up in this reality or exiting this Beautiful World. 🌎
Let's hope they may be going to a better place - with better food!
We should all try to stay far away from this crap!
Hahaha! Poor kid.
Classic meme. Just like McDonald's chasing pizza delivery guy...
Holy cow - that was madcore :)
Don't forget the NEKNOMINATE!