My name is chioma I have super sensitive face. I break out super fast when I use store-bought face products especially cleanser as I couldn't do without them as they take off excess oil off my face but return leave me with a face full of fresh and acne the picture on the left was me using clinique cleanser. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that it didn't work for me it did take off excess oil from my face but I had to deal with fresh break out every day and I had to wash my face with soap after cleaning my face with the clinique just so that I could also least reduce the effect of the breakout. my face is that sensitive do I have a witness? But i started using this black soap all my reaction to face product is all gone just after three days on the black soap i noticed a tremendous change on my face and it has been a little over a month and now I am free from strange break out. I am sharing this to encourage people with sensitive face like me that there is hope it is also affordable natural product does work wonders. You can order for your private label need and our products is from ghana
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