Unfortunately trust in the science and medicine has become badly eroded because of the tendency to simplify science into convenient sound bites for public consumption. To be fair this is largely because members of the general public like simple assertions, and the media likes to make them. People and the press like simplicity. Spontaneous recovery from cancer is well documented, but seldom makes the press. If the person who made the recovery was taking some herb at the time, it becomes newsworthy. Likewise when someone visits Lourdes, recovery makes the news, non-recovery does not.
I am sure that most, if not all, GMO's are safe. There is no reason for them not to be. Nevertheless, that is no reason for vigilance to be lessened, nor for people to be informed about the foods they eat. I am happy to eat Genetically Modified soya, but I want to have the choice of choosing not to by having clear and obligatory labelling on packaging. Assertions of safety that all GMO's are safe are as accurate as all plants are safe, it depends on the plant and the circumstances.
Fair enough but I believe it should be labelled so people can make an informed choice. Something that has been genetically modified to withstand 20 times the amount of pesticide - well I just cant see how that can be good for anyone. Just my opinion but I think there is a fair amount of research to this extent also.