In Nigeria , plastic wastes are generated from many sources like industries, working areas, commercial places, etc. The waste materials are really dangerous to the human beings and the surrounding environment. Hence these waste materials should be taken care to be disposed of in a safe way to preserve the environment.
Plastic materials are the real harm to the environment and the human beings. Burning of plastic wastes will cause many health issues to the human beings causing various diseases. burning of the plastic wastes in the open areas will produce a toxic smoke containing the chemical agent called Dioxin in it. This dioxin will mix with the air and will enter the human body. This is very hazardous to the human beings and also the animals as well. This smoke when inhaled by the human beings, it affects the human immune system directly causing several diseases.
Not only to the human beings, it also causes danger to the plants and the surrounding environments. The dioxin will deposit on the plant bodies and will enter the humans and the animals as a food. This then will cause several health issues to the human beings.
It is impossible to totally avoid the plastic usage, but we can just reduce the usage by finding some other alternatives. We can use decomposable materials instead of the plastic material
In landfill, both synthetic and naturally occurring polymers don’t get the necessary exposure to UV and microbes to degrade. Here they are taking up space and none of the energy is being reclaimed
Throwing of the plastic bags and the other non-decomposable wastes on the open land will deposit on the sand and will take many years to naturally degrade. Also, these wastes materials in the land will not allow the rain water to penetrate inside and will result in the reduction of the groundwater level. Plastic wastes are more harmful to the agricultural lands.
As a resident of Nigeria, you should make sure that all the non-decomposable wastes like plastics, rubber materials, metal scraps from your source are disposed of in a very safe manner. The only way to dispose of these wastes is by recycling.
Hence, to maintain an eco-friendly environment in Nigeria , it is important to dispose of the plastic wastes in a safe manner.
Keep your environment and your environment will keep you. CHANGE BEGINS WITH YOU.
You really have a great health post here. It is good habit keeping our environment clean always