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RE: Measles don't kill people?! - A new shocking WHO report!

in #health6 years ago

One of the most important things that people seem to ignore; knowledge and evidence. Most of the people (especially those who are against vaccination) deliberately ignore the fact that without vaccination, we are not only risking ourselves of getting a certain disease but to the others as well, if we are infected.

As a clinician, I've encountered lots of concerned parents who were reluctant at first to vaccinate their children. It's understandable for those who don't know how vaccination work and has been exposed to all kind of craps in the social media, but some of them are well-educated people, even in science. I'm truly disappointed for the latter but it seems that the government should have focused more on the public education to counter all kind of "medical opinion" in the social media, and of course to alleviate anxiety among concerned individuals.


The problem with well-educated people I have seen is that they sometimes work in corrupt business like banking themselves and therefore expect other field like medicine to be corrupt as well. They kinda think that the medicine advised for the masses can't be the best and that their personal homopathic doctors who charges 5x times more knows better. Sad but true.