Dear all,
My name is Costantin, I come originally from Belgium - Brussels ; I am now living in Dubai and help people feeling better in their mental health as well as physical body.
I will be giving the steemit community a small advice on the body and mental health every day.
Once a week I will be posting a more detailed explanation according to the comments I would have received during the week.
Last but not least I will translate each of my post in french as the goal is to spread happiness and well being through the Steemit community around the globe - in Europe and especially the Middle East - where the body sculpture knowledge is amazingly increasing every day!
Bonjour à tous,
Je m'appelle Costantin et suis originaire de Bruxelles en Belgique. J'habite désormais à Dubai et j'aide les gens à se sentir mieux dans leur corps et leur esprit.
Chaque jour je donnerai à la communauté Steemit un petit conseil pour améliorer son bien-être physique et mental. Et une fois par semaine, je tenterai d'approfondir une explication relative aux posts et commentaires que j'aurai reçu durant la semaine.
Comme vous l'avez vu, mes posts sont traduits en Anglais et en Francais afin d'étendre les connaissances du bien-être physique et mental le plus possible à travers la communauté Steemit et à travers le monde - en Europe et spécialement au Moyen-Orient, ou la demande d'information et de connaissance pour la culture du corps se fait tous les jours un peu plus importante!
Welcome costantin to Steemit. I am Troy From The banks of the Mississippi. This is a fun platform to get to know others, learn and grow and earn along he way. I appreciate that you know more than one language. I wish share my latest post. I hope you like it. UpVote if you choose. - Troy
CheersThanks for the welcome @enjoywithtroy I will go and read your post!
Hello costantin, welcome to Steemit
You might find these links very useful for yourself and followers:
upvote and resteem.
Peace, Love and Harmony...
@healthiswealth thanks for the infos! :)
🍁 I just did a new post 🍁
Add a new entry daily to the draw 😜
my pleasure.
BienvenueWelcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @goodaytraders
Thanks very much for welcome @goodaytraders ! :) Very appreciated
what does it really mean by body sculpture?
It involves a very wide range of techniques, strategy and habits to feel healthy and be happy with your body.
As mentioned in my introduction post, I will be sharing one advice everyday.
Follow me if you want to learn more about it.Hi @pamanbear,