Wow. It sure it hard when someone needs to feel like they are loved, but everything they say and do makes it almost impossible to genuinely share love to them how they need it. Hope she isn't also struggling with suicidal thoughts.
Sometimes when a person is able to free themselves of a debilitating mental block, all other things ruining their life will begin to melt away and life moves forward again. I think it is really scary when a person realizes even their family members can't, won't, or don't know how to help them. They can blame the world and cry about it, or they can choose to develop new strength to channel their own emotions to be positive or negative as needed. Many people never learn this is possible, or how its done.
Hope you find some restoration from this ordeal. Don't let them weigh you down when you are helping others for good.
Thanks for stopping by and your kind thoughts! No my niece isn't struggling with suicidal thoughts, thank goodness!