Thank you, thank you, thank you for writing up such an informative extensive truth filled post! So many things you stated in here I have tried to share with many of my family and friends. The point about keeping a strong immune system is what we need to stay healthy couldn’t be more true. When we pull out our herbal medicines and essential oils from our pantry some people think we are crazy. They wonder why not just run and get a prescription to get over things quicker. It’s because we know that the side effects from those medications are not worth it. They kill our good bacteria along with the bad and make our immune systems weaker.
I have also heard the statement “don’t bring your kids around mine while they are still unvaccinated!” Ha that’s ridiculous. What good are those vaccines if you are afraid to have your kids around mine? It just doesn’t make sense. If people would only wake up and research for themselves instead of believing what they hear they would be in for a huge surprise. I am thankful that we “know”
of the dangers and that none of our children have ever been touched by a vaccinated needle. We even had to leave a Pediatrician that told us he shouldn’t keep seeing us because we don’t vaccinate. I didn’t think about the money rewards he was losing out on. Upvoted and Resteemed with hopes that everyone on this plattform will view this post. Thanks again for sharing all of this viable information.
We have been brainwashed into believe that a quick fix of the symptoms is better than a permanent solution to never having the problem again. Hence our current dilemma & reliance on drugs.
Many thanks for your comment here. It is so great to be feeling the support of people like yourself. As opposed to the hatred I would be experiencing right now had I posted this on FB!
All the best to you 🙏🏻
I definitely understand about the FB thing. I was dished a lot of hatred for trying to share some scary truths and wake people up. FB helped me realize some people like to stay asleep, they just don’t want to hear the truth.