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RE: Coconut Oil & All its Benefits

in #health7 years ago

It is interesting that countries with the highest intake of coconut oil have the lowest rates of heart disease,
MCTs (middle chain triglycerides) are formed by the esterification process, the reaction between the three fatty acids and the glycerol alcohol).
Fatty acids be long depending on the number of carbon atoms 2 - 24.
LCTs (long chains) are mostly dietary oils and fats.
LCT is hard to absorb in the body (they need special bitter acids and absorption routes in the lymph channels).

MCT is easy to absorb
MCT is primarily found in coconut oil and some nuts.

Most importantly, MCT in the body acts as an instigator for combustion LCT!

So, MCT encourages combustion the Fat in body,
( works to increase thermogenesis - creating heat in humans).
Researchers have concluded that it is not saturated with coconut fat that negatively affects the cholesterol profile.

There is a big difference between high quality saturated fat in coconut oil or MCT in oils that you get in a fast food cheeseburger.

And total cholesterol is not a predictable predictor of heart disease or stroke.
Inflammation is a culprit for most diseases, and coconut oil is highly anti-inflammatory.
MCT is extremely safe.
Man quickly supplies energy,
cancer cells can not use it as food
protects protein reserves and
helps with the slow release of unwanted fat in our body.

Do not be afraid of saturated fat, but take it out of a healthy source, such as coconut and grass.


but in these countries were the coconut is at home, they are not more healthy only because of the coconuts, they eat more healthy at all and have a better lifestyle, hehehe
We call it Sabai, Sabai in Thailand, which means just Everthing's Chilled...
Best regards
Tomyou're right @crypto-mammoth,

Looks like we'll have to start learning from them now.
And we are "advanced civilization", ha ha ha..

Yep, 💯%, hehehe