Dear Diary: Amazing thing Happened For My Appetite

in #health7 years ago


I think that I could eat normally without a hindrance this weekend because I had paused on taking my parathyroid medicine. The effect was simply dramatic and I love it the fact that I could live normally with a basic function for my body returning from me and now I am not having that maltaste in my mouth that was bothering me all these times.

I will be enjoying my foods until Tuesday, the day that I will resume again my medical therapy for my parathyroid problem. It is a hard pill to take literally because I will have more bone pain, hunger, and deformities if I won't resume it. Surgery isn't in the plan yet but I will go for it until if this medicine won't work as I expected, if it will continue to bother me rather than help me.

Parathyroidectomy is what I will seek if I will continue to have a misery in my life because of the side-effects that I was enduring for many months now. If a kidney transplant will not be feasible then parathyroidectomy with the help of a cooperative doctor can change my life for the best.

So I am just saving some funds so I can proceed for my plans so I am just trying everyday and inch by inch soon I could maybe raise the flag of success and I will see these past days as just some bad dreams and then I will proceed with my near to normal life.


Apakabar anda hari ini @cryptopie

I hope you can get the kidney transplant you need. Hang in there!

I hope that you can raise the flag of success soon .
You are a very special person 🌷

This sounds like good news. I surely hope it is so and that things will get better and better .

amazing :)

i know you are a diaylis patient... so,you take medical therapy of parathyroid problem.. i hope that a good kidney transplant may help doing for your life changed better if a good doctor can it doing work.take care yourself...dear...@cryptopie

Semoga anda sehat @cryptopie

I hope you get better soonest. Pray you have all the strength you need to pass through this difficult time