I am celebrating a no lingering pain day now although I am suffering from Tinnitus which I do not know the cause and I hope that it would improve in the future. A few months ago I had a rib pain, left hip joint pain which I thought was permanent, and then this pain on my back.
Now it seems that it all improved thanks to my Parathyroid medication because at least it seems that it works otherwise I will still feel that my back would cause me troubles.
I am also noticing that the tendons on my elbows which also a few months ago are in pain are quite okay now and I am happy with it. I also thought that it will not go away but it had improved.
I am also on a restricted diet and I am avoiding dairy and other processed-packaged foods. They have additives that may exacerbate my phosphorus -calcium balance so I am very particular on what I eat.

So I am just sad that I couldn't eat much and drink much of products that are powdered like instant drinks, dairy products, packaged biscuits and breads because they have these E300+ or E400+ stabilizers that are actually phosphates and are just phosphorus in my body.
It is just too little too late that I had learned about these things, nobody had taught me to avoid them especially my doctor so I just hate my nephrologist and it sucks because it made me like this, disfigured and disabled because of my bone changes.
That's great :-)
Good to know that your health is improving, God bless you
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I'm so happy to hear that you are in less pain, tinitus is annoying. I actually woke up one morning last year with sudden hearing loss in my right ear, the first few months after I lost it I would hear different tones of bells in my head it really sucked. Much Love from @davidisfedup