If possible I wanted a very frequent dialysis because it is only in dialysis that I would feel the feeling of being clean and ease so in turn I would return to my normal eating appetite and the feeling of being clean is just priceless because it is the only moment that I feel normal which I always look forward to during dialysis.
So it is really recommended to have a frequent dialysis because it makes the patient feel better which is the goal of dialysis. After a day or two that feeling abates and based on what the patient eats between dialysis they would feel quite ill. But there is so much tolerance in having a toxicity that it doesn't kill the patient that easily. It will take about two weeks before a patient succumbs from a lingering and agonizing death if not their own body liquids drown them first.
My parents helps me selflessly but the are also a hindrance to some of my plans including having a kidney transplant because I wanted a kidney from my siblings so that I can get a good match so that the kidney would last more years but my mother doesn't want that idea because she doesn't want two of her loved ones go under the knife and get the risk of death. It will be too much for her to bear out.
Also my siblings are quite showing signs of diseases themselves especially my brother that now is suffering from a heart issue while my sister is on a medication as well. The eldest in the other hand is quite unwilling to donate. Now my father although willing is quite old now for that operation.
My father also doesn't want me to get a therre times dialysis per week because it will be too much a time to waste for himself to drive me back and forth and he also waits with me for excruciating four hours in sometimes very late at night schedule. Plus he also have no idea how much agony that feel in my situation too.
That is what I am enduring now and currently I am getting a breathlessness issue due to my backbone compressing my lungs and it is really a very hard life and I am only trying to manage it. I don't know that if I am just fortunate or I am cursed for not dying and surviving, it is just on how people look at it but I am continuing to fight if I could achieve my goal of normality, God help me.
aw my, that sounds highly unfair, as if you have a choice to be in this situation, I know it must be hard for your parents, but it's their job to make sure you get what you need to stay on top of your health, however hard that may be ..
All will be fine! The main thing to believe in recovery.Remember - we will always support you!
be strong cryptopie am sure your father wants the best for you as well.
I want you to have a heart with positivity..
You are strong,
And you will be fine
so sad to hear not only god I hope all the steemians to help you :)
I wish you well and hope you can get a kidney transplant. I can understand your siblings' fears, but maybe you could get a good match from someone else. My father had one kidney removed due to disease at the age of 48, and he lived to the age of 88, so having a kidney removed doesn't always cause health problems.
i guess you should tell him how much that makes you deel better ,maybe he wull have a change of mind
Im suprised that you get to pick how often you get dialysis. I thought it would have been something the doctors would determine.
God has a plan for you, sir! Im hoping and also praying for your health. You really are the bravest. God bless.
I hope you will be fit. and God bless you.
If i am just one of your siblings..
I will push you to your 3 times dialysis..
Just for you to feel better..
We are going through that this past few weeks..
My husbands brother used to take 3 times a week.he suffer from seizzure last week thats why..now he feels much better..so if you think it was just the way to make you feel better..go ahead..just make your father realized that this is what you need.time and effort for our loveones helps us ease some pain..
If only i could drive you and assist you for your 4 hours dialysis..i would..if only i could..
being clean is the organ of faith
Since then, medical advances have been made at a breathtaking rate—insulin for diabetes, chemotherapy for cancer, hormone treatment for glandular disorders, antibiotics for tuberculosis, chloroquine for certain types of malaria, and dialysis for kidney complaints, as well as open-heart surgery and organ transplants, to name a few.
তখন থেকেই চিকিৎসাবিজ্ঞান খুব দ্রুত উন্নতি করে চলেছে—ডায়াবিটিসের জন্য ইনসুলিন, ক্যানসারের জন্য কেমোথেরাপি, গ্রন্থির ব্যাধির জন্য হরমোন চিকিৎসা, যক্ষ্মার জন্য আ্যন্টিবায়োটিক, কয়েক ধরনের ম্যালেরিয়ার জন্য ক্লোরোকুইন এবং কিডনির অসুখের জন্য ডায়ালাইসিস ও সেইসঙ্গে ওপেন হার্ট সার্জারি এবং অঙ্গ প্রতিস্থাপন হল মাত্র কয়েকটা চিকিৎসা।
Nice post
Hardness, sad
Exilent post
I think your father should agree on 3 times dialysis per week. Every parents want best for their children. so it is unclear why your father doesn't want this for you.