Dear Diary: My BP Went Down Considerably Again To Hell Levels

in #health6 years ago


Today while being hooked up for my dialysis by blood pressure crashed once again. It is sad for me of course because it affected the way my blood was cleaned plus the amount of water or fluids that would have to be drawn out from my body so I was just taken out with 1.1 liter.

But one good thing is that I am perspiring much better during the last few days because I was only to load up with 1.6 considering that I drank a lot of fluids already. Well the evidence was my sheets and my foam bed.

It is not good for me to go to my dialysis so early in the morning as I am falling asleep and it affects my appetite. Just imagine when just woke up and of course you do not feel to eat yet.

So i struggled to eat my food plus my energy drink tasted bland too which contributed for my blood pressure destabilization. Fortunately I didn't suffer any blood infections or chills so it is a reason to thank for at least.

Maybe next time my dialysis won't be as bad and I am praying for it to went well again. Because I do not like it ehrn this happens because it does affect my well-being until my next dialysis session.


Just keep believing and keep praying. I know with faith, you will overcome the storm