
I suggest listening to Dr. John Bergman on the subject:

fixing anything, but rather making yourself comfortable. A Network Chiropractor does what is called Reorganizational Healing. You do not return to what you were before it became uncontrollable, but you start to become extraordinary. If you want to make sure your Chiropractor is phenomenal and legit, feel free to run their name by me and I will run it by my Chiropractor who is a teacher and is extremely well connected with the very best.DEFINITELY a Chiropractor, @cryptosharon. I CANNOT recommend this highly enough. Make sure you find a straight Chiropractor. No, this doesn't refer to their sexuality. REAL Chiropractic is based on the philosophy that there is an Innate intelligence that runs your body. A good Chiropractor works with this Intelligence and allows the Intelligence to do all the work. A Chiropractor gets right into the control center of the body, the spine. Every single working of the body is run by the spine. So with a good Chiropractor, you are getting straight to the root of the problem whereas with a MD you are covering it up and creating problems in other parts of the body. You are not