
Big pharma doesn't make money out of distributing cure to people, it makes money out of creating addicted people to their legal drugs.

It's all about profit for this kind of organizations. Everyone should look for ways of living their life without being hooked on Big Pharmas legal drugs.

Thanks for the detailed post! I appreciate it.
Followed and upvoted.

I totally agree. If they were to cure disease then there would be no profit to be made. It is all about the money. They want people as sick as possible to suck as much money off of them before they die. All the answers can be found in nature. We are nature and nature is us! Stay away from the hospital unless you are about to die!

Spot on! I have been avoiding to take any kind of medication provided by the numberless pharmacies and feel great.

I have been practicing cold showers and no-fap for some time now, which has, in my opinion, greatly aided me to be healthy without any mainstream medication.

In my opinion, everyone should strive to live the natural life where no drug-medication is ever needed.

There is always a more natural and healthy way of overcoming any kind of illness than letting oneself get addicted to big pharmas drugs.

Thanks for posting. I think most people do understand this and for those that don't they will learn the hard way.