Cell phone towers are frying your brain

in #health7 years ago

EMF pollution in cities is becoming more of a problem every day. I just opened a letter from the utility company informing me that they were planning on upgrading my meters to "Advanced", AKA "Smart" meters. These devices have a very bad reputation when it comes to health. I called them and left a message about opting out of their advanced metering "upgrade". We will see how that goes. Here are a couple good links I found from a quick google search:

http://www.bioinitiative.org/research-summaries/ http://emfsafetynetwork.org/smart-meters/

The problems do not stop with just smart meters, in fact the EMF pollution on Earth and especially in cities is caused by almost every electronic device. Even the power lines are creating a large field, approximately 50 feet in diameter, based on my experience, of biologically and psychologically harmful EMF pollution. The fact that people drive in between two sets of these power lines on many of the streets in the city tells you that we have a big problem. The cell phone towers actually look like archonic, alien weapons, similar to a giant metal arrow, piercing the earth. The tail feathers of the arrow are made out of robotic, machine, archonic microwave generators. It reminds me of the explosive arrow weapons from video games like Turok, or from the movie Rambo. And in fact, the radioactive load on the back end of these towers is constantly beaming out very large amounts of toxic radiation. And we do not even have 5G here in Springfield yet.

I noticed that when I upgraded my phone from iPhone 5 to iPhone 7, the toxic load radiating from the phone dramatically increased. I am sensitive to EMF pollution, and I was not always this way. The way that I became sensitive is through my exposure to orgonite, as well as from psychedelic use. The orgonite mitigates the toxicity of the power lines, cell phone towers, and cell phones and laptops, giving your brain and body and mind a break from the exposure. When you surround yourself with orgonite everywhere you go, like I do, you forget that these fields are holding you down, until you forget the orgonite one day. When I go running, I carry two orgonite tower busters with tenser rings around them, one in each hand. A few times, I have forgotten the orgonite, but decided to finish the run without them. I run through the neighborhood and down a larger street behind my house. On the larger street, there are power lines about 15 feet above my head. When I forget the orgonite, I notice dramatic effects from the power lines. I have noticed disturbances in my auric body field, tension or stress in my body, and even more difficulty running when I get under them. I have also noticed that when I get out from under them in the last stretch of the run, the closer I get to my house the better the feeling I get in my body and mind. This is because my house is loaded with large amounts of powerful orgonite and tenser rings, and it generates a field that is large enough to be felt from the edge of the neighborhood.

While this probably the best spot to be in in Springfield as far as EMF pollution goes, I can do a lot better. I am motivated to get away from all of this toxicity, out to the countryside where there are less electronics, less street lights, less cell towers, and less idiots. In a much more natural setting, the orgonite fields that I live in will be pulling in much more of the organic, healing life energy that is much more abundant out there. It really is the way to go.

If you or someone you know works for the telecom industry, specifically if they are helping them set up cell phone towers, I urge you to urge them, and I urge them, to quit their jobs. They are helping destroy peoples' minds, hearts, bodies, DNA, and lives. It is sad that humanity is so addicted to such damaging technologies, and they are completely unnecessary. If average people chose to value more valuable values, we could make faster progress to healing the earth, providing a nicer environment for us all, and improving our health. There is probably a way to have wireless communication without the damaging effects, but megacorps like Comcast and AT&T have NO incentive to research or implement these solutions, because they only care about money, their god on earth. People have a lot of growing up to do, but the rewards make it worth the work.

It is always good to point out how society went wrong, because the solution lies in a proper diagnoses of the root causes of the problems. Hopefully this analysis and whistle-blowing provides a good start.


Thank you for the Awareness! Truth speaker.