6 Benefits of Tomato For Beauty Skin

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Tomatoes are useful as antioxidants from free radicals in the body. Lycopene in tomato is useful to inhibit the occurrence of premature aging and help repair damaged body cells.


Here are the benefits that you will get by constantly consuming tomatoes, you no longer need to frequent beauty salons, just consumption of tomatoes every day:

1.Decrease the skin pores are large
Large skin pores allow dirt to enter easily and cause infection. The recipe, take a tablespoon of fresh tomato juice. Add 2-4 drops of fresh lime juice.

Use a cotton ball to apply this mixture to your face. Massage in circular motion. Leave on for about 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Regular applications will shrink pores faster.

2.Benefits of tomatoes heal stubborn acne
Acne that often appears is a sign of unhealthy skin and vitamin A and vitamin deficiency. By consuming tomatoes, the body gets adequate vitamin A and C supply so that acne can be cured naturally.

In addition to consumed, tomatoes can also be used as an acne medicine. Way, cut the tomato into two parts and apply on face. For severe acne you can make a face mask from fresh tomatoes.

Way, make porridge or tomato paste and then apply on face. Leave for an hour. Rinse and use a moisturizer. Do this regularly or as much as you can. Acne is guaranteed to dry out and the skin returns smoothly.

3.Overcoming oily skin
This magic fruit is also very suitable to overcome the skin berminya. How to process it quite easily, make juice with tomato and small cucumber. Apply juice to the entire face, undoubtedly the face will no longer be greasy.

4.Tomatoes are useful for removing blackheads
Blackheads are the one that makes facial skin look unattractive. To remove blackheads, create a mask of tomatoes and avocados. Tomato fruit will work as a remover of blackheads and fruit avocados as an antiseptic and moisturizer face.

How to make it, mash one tomato and add an avocado collision as a combination of cleanser and skin moisturizer. These two natural combinations can soothe and cleanse the skin, perfect for oily and dry skin. Apply this package, let stand for 20-30 minutes and wash with warm water.

5.Heals inflamed skin

Inflamed skin can occur due to many things, one of which may be due to direct sunburn. Inflamed skin effects such as redness and itching of the skin.

How to make it, grated half a tomato and mixed with two tablespoons of plain yogurt.

Apply this herb on the face, neck, hands and feet. Rinse after 20 minutes. Tomatoes cool the skin and neutralize the surface of the skin, while yogurt gives the protein a much needed skin. Softer and chewy.

6.Makes skin more radiant
Make a paste of honey and tomato juice. Apply on face every day for 15 minutes, tomato paste can also dioles to other desired body parts. With regular use your skin and face will be fresh and look radiant.

Thus some of the benefits of tomatoes for skin and facial beauty.


Yes, it has many benefits to the skin but eating cooked tomato is harmful to skin as it can cause allergic problems. So it is better to eat raw.

Wow.. amazing trips.. would like to introduce it to my GF..