I would beg to differ. I think you misunderstand him because he is using the word ego differently to why many people understand by that word. I think he means your fears. Also, I have seen over and over in the 12 step program how people can create peace for themselves by giving less and less attention to the egos desires and fears and more attention to service to others and the greater good. I think you make valid points but don’t agree with the simplifications you make.
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I'm sure there is a way to reach full understanding and agreement here since much of this does revolve around definitions - plus some realisations that are counter to common thought.
Everything in us needs understanding (light) and when our parts get the understanding they need, they are free to change and transform in terms of what they hold and what they want/need. There's no need to just ignore (deny) the ego, even if you think/feel your egoic desires are unhealthy there's still no benefit to ignoring it - the key is to understand it and to go to the causal layers and make deeply felt changes there. Why is there a desire to have the biggest car? Why is there a desire to take the most drugs? All of these questions have roots, causes and answers and once they are found we are truly empowered to change our thoughts and feel better. Blaming the ego and attempting to look in a different direction is no more wise than a piano player blaming the keys when playing a bum note and then putting fingers in ears or talking to someone else instead of just going to the root of issue and fixing it there.
Fear is typically involved with all these problems, yes - though it is certainly inaccurate and misleading to make 'ego' synonymous with fear. <3