
Yes, a few time. These days I tend to get way too woozy afterwards, but I still try.

well your a hero to someone somewhere :)

I have but don't anymore..............

I used to all the time, but because of my travels it is harder these days.

YEs, a long time ago when my mother hospitalized of myoma uterus I donated my blood.

so your also a hero in someones life :0

Yes, I have, three times so far

i get lightheaded every time i do so, the one time the nurse told me to stand up so i could walk over and lay down, i stood up and fainted right on the floor lol

I remember once when I was young my mum made me to donate some blood for people in need as there was a blood crisis. My mum said to me that I will be doing good donating my blood for the people in need so I was excited to donate my blood.

I haven't donated any blood since then.

Well somedays ago I told my friend about some blood donation initiative because of crisis and he got motivated but I didn't wanted to give my blood! Maybe because it was precious to me how much I had!

Hehe I love possessive crazy girls like that. 😁

Unfortunately only once, my BMI is borderline low, and also I moved and have been unregistered here. Hopefully possibly again someday. It is vital!

Nope! I’m deathly scared of needles!

Yes. I used to donate blood twice a year. But, I always had to take off work the rest of the day, as I felt too tired.

I've been able to give blood once, between my medical treatments before I was returned to the denied list. Thankfully I'm a common blood type (A+) and there's enough healthy people able to donate instead.

I thought about it, but never did. I was often sick in my life. I think because of that my blood would not accept as the gift... But my blood type is a universal donor :) So maybe one day I'll do something good and give a little blood

Hello! No, I never donated blood as a donor. You must be a very healthy person to become a donor. But if someone will need my blood in an emergency, I will do it to save a person's life!

This post has received gratitude of 5.12 % from @appreciator thanks to: @darsico.