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RE: The Closing Down of Care Homes: An Inevitability (a reply to @lloydy, sorta)

in #health9 years ago

care for the elderly currently accounts for 43 percent of the total health care spending in the U.S. --- about 1 trillion dollars a year
I have a vested interest. Home caring my father with Alzheimers for 2 years now. There are no easy options, but thank you for raising awareness.@akareyon - Mayo Clinic report, August 19th 2016. Info taken from Ray Kurzweil's newsletter. ( Full article link:


financial costs because the point seems to make itself, but I must admit: 43% of the total health care spending in the U.S., that was still a figure that surprised me. Power to you and your family; being human is nothing special when the options are easy.Thank you for the hard numbers, @davidbrogan! I did not even think about going into the