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RE: Doctors Kill More Babies Than Guns.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

This is a giant topic, which would require going vaccine by vaccine and looking at the historical factors and evidence. I encourage you to do that, and listen to opposing views on it. You'll find examples like with polio, where the vaccine release coincided with redefining its diagnostic criteria among other shady things. You've heard the expression, "lies, damned lies, and statistics?" It's rampant with vaccines. If you're interested, I can suggest several sources to start with.


Let's talk about smallpox then. What are the reasons that the smallpox is eradicated?

It was never eradicated. It was renamed. Monkey pox is still extant.

The decrease in infection rates came about by way of sanitation, hygiene, and improvements in knowledge of nutrition.

Seems like it's related but different than smallpox:

How do you know it's not the combination of all the factors that decrease the infection rates? Why do you single out the vaccination?

Look at the timeline.

Yes. It looks like it's a combination of multiple factors.