Raising the awareness: Cancer is still real

in #health7 years ago

You know, on a normal day, I would be writing about music, but on this occasion, I though it wise to speak up and raise awareness to a disease that is still ravaging parts of the human population.

I was in a studio a few hours ago, normal routines, the place was dark with a red bulb hanging overhead, the speakers blaring out loud music, artists getting their swag on while dropping big bars of rap.

We where altogether about 5, 2 producers/engineers, 1 non artist(who was here just to add variety to the backups), 2 new school rappers/trappers/semi-musicians.

So lets cut to 20mins into the session and suddenly one of the artist is like, ‘’I need a smoke’’ and out of nowhere, the room fills up with the smell of marijuana, everyone except me and the other other producer got a stick on their hands and dropping some purple drip.

Now this isnt something I fancy a whole lot,I know artists smoke alot, and it is at the discretion of the producer to allow it, but I do not fancy 2nd-hand smoking.

Lets leave that at that for now,


Often times when the word cancer is mentioned, people believe it to be that ultimate incurable disease with an 100% death stamp on it. If not everyone worldwide, then many people in the developing world surely view it this way. This couldn’t be further from the truth, cause in reality, many forms of cancer have treatment that can somewhat cure that particular form of cancer.

See, the word cancer, is an umbrella term used to describe a large number of diseases of which the main characteristics is the development of abnormal cells that develop uncontrollably, and have the ability to infiltrate, deconstruct and destroy normal body tissues.

It is a terrible thing indeed, as your body inevitably kills itself by replicating cells when it ought not to, where it ought not to and spreading this in a way it ought not to.

History, Signs

Cancer isn't a new disease, I can bet my last cent that before cancer was identified as a disease medically, it had been killing people, albeit they regarded it as a mystery illness.

I wonder if those illness inflicted by the gods sort of diseases in the medieval and ancient eras weren't a form of cancer, or indeed any undiscovered diseases then.
I once read that sarcomas were discovered in the bones of the predecessors of the human race, and even in dinosaurs

Cancer is a whole lot site specific, meaning that depending on the different types of cancer, the signs and symptoms observed is likely to be different.
Some symptoms may include

  • fatigue
  • formation of lumps
  • wheezing or coughing in lung cancer cases
  • weight gain or loss as such in leukaemia
  • difficulty swallowing as such in throat cancer

And so much more.

Be a bro

Now cancer isn't transferable except through genetics, so I often wonder why a patient sick with cancer is suddenly left alone by their friends and family.

There is this story of a person who has cancer of the throat and was subsequently abandoned by his family. Be it financially, or through vocal support, trust me, the mere fact that you show love to a person suffering gives the person enough will power and hope to hold on to life it self.

Get to the hospital

As many will say, health is wealth, do not mess with your health, if you notice that you're having a steady uncomfortableness, so to speak, within you, get to checking yourself.

Other than that, try to stay healthy. Exercise, live life well, drink plenty of water, eat fruits, don’t over stress yourself, there is a life out there to experience, do not experience it in the hospital.

To the stick holders

I am no medical expert,but I do know that there are many forms of this disease, and some are increasingly becoming more popular than others.

I spoke up on this article because I know that lung cancer is one of the most prevalent forms of cancer out there. I know that despite all the warnings, a lot of us still choose to hold that stick, be it a cigar, marijuana or whatever.

It feels good, it feels nice, it looks cool, its gonna kill you unless you stop it.

Now I don’t know the percent of Americans, Europeans,Asians or Africans taking a wheeze from a stick, but I know that a good percent is gonna end up in the ER for a lung incident.
It isn't my wish that anyone dies, Hell, I am not a saint, I have done codeine in the past, and I go back to the bottle once in a while after some family rehab sessions, but that stick, increases your chances of suffering in your later years.

If you find it difficult because you're addicted, get help, go to a rehab center, if that's too embarrassing, get an online therapist.

I have no idea how helpful these sources are, but there is no harm in trying https://www.addictionrecoveryguide.org/treatment/online https://therapists.psychologytoday.com/rms/name/Forever+Free+Online+Addiction+Counseling_Los+Angeles_California_301498

more info can be found here

dino cancer

what is cancer