Here are the reasons why you are gets aged too fast.

in #health6 years ago (edited)

pexels-photo-59657-1000x600.jpgTop Anti aging tips. "You should avoid these things"

Skin is the first organ in the body which shows signs as we age. Skin protection is an important factor in looking aged. The structure of skin change along with our age this makes wrinkles and marks on our body. Also our daily habits are responsible for making skin look over aged. By skipping these 6 habits helps to protect our skin and from getting aged.

Lack of Sleep:
The smooth functioning of our body demands adequate amount of sleep, while inadequate amount of sleep may create harmful impact to your mind and body. Lacking sleep regularly results in creating dark marks and uncontrolled skin this may make you look aged.

Over Drinking:
Drinking results in raising dehydration of the body and this lowers the body nutrition and creates pressure to body and accelerate the aging process .This habit makes your skin dry as well make you tired.

Scrubbing of skin excessively:
Scrubbing is done commonly to remove dead skin cells but doing this excessively results in losing the moisture of skin this make your skin dry and generating marks.

Smoking has many harmful effects on heart and lungs and also results in cancer. It makes your skin aged, the heat from the cigarette directly makes your skin heat and create change in the elasticity and significantly reduce Vitamin A and makes your skin dry.

Over Exposure to sun:
Over exposure of sun may reduce the elasticity of skin and make your skin looks aged. This creates wrinkles on your skin so try to avoid sunlight while you are going out or use sunscreen when you are out.

Lack of Exercise:
The movements occurs while we exercise make muscle strong as well as maintaining your youth and keep skin youthful. Through exercise nutrients and blood were transferred to each and every part of the body and it will definitely benefits the skin.