"It's complicated" seems like a lame answer.
I remember my elderly auntie in Denmark going with my recently divorced father to the supermarket... he was on a "health kick" and trying all these different "butter-like spreads" because that was allegedly a way to save a few calories. My auntie picked up a bucket of "margarine" and a package of butter and had him look at the ingredient list of each.
Contents of butter: Cream, salt.
Contents of "healthy" margarine spread: 20+ things with names like "parahydroglocothiamide-14" and the like.
What's my point?
I think we have a tendency to overcomplexify things, or to believe that something with "more" ingredients, power, science or whatever is somehow "better." But the more variables we add and convince people to adopt into their lives... the less we actually understand (and have any measure of control over) the outcome.
Let's apply that to life. I am guessing more and more people "swallow the pill as prescribed" simply because they are out of time. And they are out of time because we're expected to cram "more and more" into our lives, in spite of being constrained by a day that still has 24 hours made up of 60-minute hours. It reminds me a bit of a movie line: "What's better than seven minute abs? SIX minute abs!"
I find it ironic, in a sense. We have become victims of the very "machinery" we allegedly constructed to make our lives easier. The industrial, mechanical and ultimately technological revolutions were about creating more leisure time... and yet we have less than ever.
I think the same, we are slaves to ease and we want it all now. As a result, we can be fed any number of BS things and believe that they somehow make us better. The ingredient of shampoo for example, who the hell knows what those things are?
In the attention economy, impression is all that matters, not results.
Wait, what's wrong with our shampoos?! 😧