in #health8 years ago

Welcome back steemit,we are still discussing on the causes of foul breadth, enjoy reading….

The tongue should also be brushed, particularly its back portion, to ensure the removal of most of what produces a disagreeable smell. Also, this helps to reduce the probability of dental caries in which cavities of various sizes develop in the teeth and thus provide an avenue for the multiplication of bacteria and various types of smell.


If you do not drink enough water, your mouth is likely to smell because bacteria multiply when the mouth becomes dry. Also the saliva that ought to wash away the breakdown products of the bacteria is not available or sufficient to do so. The accumulation of such products in the mouth therefore encourages the formation of those smelly substances. That is why even in conferences where certain people are expected to make long speeches, water is provided for them to sip intermittently and thus keep their mouth fresh

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When there are untreated allergies, especially those which cause nasal congestion, the mucus accumulates in the sinuses around the nose and can get infected with bacteria, thus producing a very disagreeable smell while speaking or even breathing. The smell resembles that of an almost rotten egg and may often be nearly as pungent. It is important to seek expert help in such a situation with proper treatment by an ear/nose and throat surgeon.


We will continue in the next edition-EPISODE 4.Your contribution and suggestion will always be appreciated, resteem the post to gain more audience. Until then, your health is your wealth, stay clean, smell nice, look cute. If you missed any of the last Episodes 1 and 2,here are the links -

To your success….@detycoon


Great post

Health and hiegne

A very useful post

Great article