Candida down there...

in #health7 years ago (edited)

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Oh icky topic. But a good one to hit because it is so common. It's something we see in the clinic every day.

Vaginal candidiasis - a yeast infection.

Over the counter and prescription treatments are losing their effectiveness and we are starting to see some resistance. Time to go back to tried and true treatment and prevention. If we get the vaginal canal back to the right pH then things that shouldn't grow there won't grow there.

Introducing: Boric Acid.

This is what we used to give out all the time in the university clinics and it was great.

A 5 pack of size "00" gelatin capsules filled with boric acid from the pharmacy.
One a day inserted into the vagina at bedtime (inserted like a tampon).
pH returns to normal.
Yeast infection gone.
Repeat as needed.

AND - get off the sugar!! Yeast loves sugar.

Have a great weekend.

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