Stay in the moment

in #health7 years ago

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Staying in the moment is all about your health.

I'm thinking about one lovely patient today who came in utter despair, anxious, depressed, and in pain. One breath at a time is how I got her to be present and back in her body. Breathe in...breathe out...breathe in...breathe out...cortisol dropping back towards normal...

In the moment, the past has little power and the future is full of potential.

Her pain dropped by over half as she started to hear the simple things she could do to reclaim her well-being:

  • stay in the moment
  • let go of old stories, they DON'T define you
  • take one step forward in a healthy way every day!
  • drink lots of water
  • eat your veggies...

There is much more to her path forward, but by simply getting silent and back in the moment she could at least see the possibilities.