New Study Suggests Fasting Could Be The Key To Longevity

in #health6 years ago

The National Institute on Aging (NIA), working together with scientists from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has recently suggested that there could be some major benefits to reap from engaging in fasting.

According to the (NIA), they propose that fasting could be the secret to longevity. Their recent study results indicate that eating one meal a day might help to fuel a longer lifespan, as well as helping to influence better outcomes for metabolic disorders and other illness.

“This study showed that mice who ate one meal per day, and thus had the longest fasting period, seemed to have a longer lifespan and better outcomes for common age-related liver disease and metabolic disorders,” - NIA Director Richard Hodes, M.D."

What they will be working on next is investigating how long someone might need to fast before they could see the benefits that researchers have seen in animal tests. The researchers have asserted that over time, prolonged daily fasting could play a drastic role in influencing better health and survival.

“We think what's going on is when you stop eating for X-number of hours, your metabolism goes into standby mode. Your body fixes and removes all the garbage during this time,... When the next feeding comes, you are better prepared for the energy you're about to consume.” - Rafael de Cabo, Ph.D.

A Powerful Natural Healing Solution

This isn't the first study to suggest that fasting might help to influence better health. Other studies have also concluded the same, that intermittent fasting could help to fight obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and more.

Fasting is something that people worldwide have practiced regularly for thousands of years, from various cultures, for a variety of reasons.

Fasting is quite different from starvation in that it is voluntary and controlled abstention from food. And you can find a variety of healthcare professionals today who are very passionate in suggesting that a genuine fast has tremendous health benefits in cleansing the body in a natural way.

After fasting for a certain amount of time, that's when you get into autophagy.

What Is Autophagy?

Autophagy is said to have first been identified by researchers around the 1960s, after scientists discovered that the cell could destroy its own contents; a system of natural degradation and recycling of cells.

Further study on this concept managed to earn one scientist, Yoshinori Ohsumi, a Nobel Prize back in 2016 after he uncovered the underlying mechanisms of this natural recycling process.

Might autophagy be able to help fight against aging?

There are some healthcare professionals who credit this process with a variety of benefits, suggesting that it could help battle disease, weight-loss, and much more.

Short-term intermittent fasting has been shown to induce autophagy and researchers have previously speculated that sporadic fasting might be an effective means to promote neuronal autophagy.

There are some intermittent fasting proponents who have suggested that autophagy might not kick in until after fasting for at least 24-48 hours; however it varies from person to person. It's incredible to think that we have this natural, inexpensive, and truly profound healing mechanism available to us, that might bring more benefits than any other tool or supplement that we could try.


The information that is posted above is not meant or intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.

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I have read and heard about a wide variety of health benefits that come from intermittent fasting, not least of which is reduction in insulin production which itself stimulates fat storage, which of course, in most western people is unnecessary (cause we fat enough as is).

But the autophagy Ive never heard of. But i still geek confident it cant fight aging. Why? Cause aging happens as our cells clone themselves, to replace dying cells, the cloning process cuts and pastes the data and the result is a new cell, but in the process the ends of the DNA code are "frayed" and that continues to happen until the necessary code is damaged and so the produced cell is cancerous, broken and non-functional.

So aging cant be stopped unless we can mend the fraying.

I have been trying to educate people about fasting for the past few years, it really is the healthiest thing one could do for their bodies. I intermittent fast every day and do 36-48hour fasts at least once a month and I have never felt healthier in my life and I am pushing 40!

I’ve seen anecdotal evidence that fasting is a powerful anti-aging strategy but peer-reviewed studies coming to the same conclusion is big news.

Right On !
Intermittent fasting has really improved my Health..
I eat in an 8 hour window...

thanks for sharing!

Thank you very much for sharing this information@doitvoluntarily Really amazing data I must admit that I ignored the stock of "autophagy" and it was so beneficial for long-term health, this would totally change the way we regret that we had the benefit of breakfast

Wow awesome stuff.

I try and eat less and often skip meals at strange intervals to keep my body guessing. This explains some of the benefits I see and some healing effects that explain why I am THE WOLVERINE! ;)

It's amazing how science advances, this is good information, voluntary fasting could prolong our lives would be great, we hope that in this issue it deepens more and creates awareness

I'm a big fan of fasting, though it's a new found love for me. I used to be a grazer until I learned more of the science around IF and autophagy. Once I saw the actual benefits first-hand, I was hooked. I fast 18-20 hours a day (last meal around 7...first meal around 2) most days, for a few weeks. But I also believe the body gets used to things and needs a reset so I'll go back to a regular 12 hour overnight fast for about a week. My sleep is better and my energy is higher. My job is very physical right off the bat, at 5 am and I am never low on strength for that.
Having a fasting routine works wonders for me!

Waiting on more evidence but till then kinda just a hearty nah

There is a ton of evidence proving fasting to be extremely healthy for the body.. why do u think every major religion in the world promotes it? Not that Im religious, i just find it an odd coincidence.. Most ancient cultures speak of it as well.. Its definitely worth looking into my friend!

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There are many proponents of fasting.
And as with many other diets, there are people who have had massive benefits from it.

Your mileage WILL vary!

We know so little about nutrition, and worse, most of what we think we know has actually been govern-cement lying.

The number one thing fasting seems to do is clean out the gut and allow it to rejuvenate. But, we have finally started thinking in terms of gut biome and it being essential, as opposed to a bunch of things that shouldn't be there, and so we are still a ways off from anything our future selves will call nutrition.

It reminded me those two NASA twins. One who came back from space had longer telomeres than other one. They are still researching the cause, but one theory was that it involved excact calory intake. He ate exactly how much he needed.

The study does not surprise me at all. Grandma used to say less is more. She believed that eating less would produce a longer life I think she was on to something. Now we here the benefits of fasting which is encouraging in the Bible. It is a way to clean out the body get rid of the bad toxins. Eating too often too much food too much material items and wealth can wear on you and be more of a deterrent and so many ways. Thanks for a good article and great information.

I believe that eating less can be beneficial. It is just in our time we just eat the wrong foods very often and it leads to diseases caused by the ingredients of processed and packaged foods. @doitvoluntarily

No doubt fasting is beneficial to health, Interesting information on Autophagy.

I strongly agree with your new study that fasting can be long and we are always healthy.

I've heard about many simmilar studies and want to get in on the action, because my body really needs it but here in Croatia, the things I would need to eat (organic fruits and vegetables) cost 200-600% than the regular GMO ones from the supermarkets. I'm poor, so I guess I'll just have to give it a pass, until I secure the needed funds to make that life-changing switch to fasting and eating organic.

the technology every time it surprises us ignored this breakfast, I apply it but it is at dinner this helps prolong the health, good topic friend thanks for this valuable information
happy weekend

There was actually a man who fasted for over a year! He lost a few hundred pounds but he lived and is much healthier and happy now 😉. Look it up if u don't believe me!

No eating for a month is probably doable but The Rule of Threes pretty much rules out not drinking for anything close to a month: