Raw Milk Sales Are Up Despite Fears Over Health Risks

in #health8 years ago

Raw milk is banned in many areas and there has been a generous amount of media coverage dedicated to sharing stories about the dangers related to consuming this product. There are many who claim that drinking raw milk is too dangerous and because of the health risks that are associated, lawmakers in many areas have moved to put restrictions in place; trying to prevent people from having access to this product.

Many lawmakers, health officials, the CDC & FDA, dairy owners etc, have been pushing for stricter rules surrounding raw milk.

They continue to insist that the public should be afraid of raw milk because of the potential health risks that might come with consuming it. However, despite the continued warnings, there have been efforts in a variety of areas in the US to try and legalize the sale of unpasteurized and raw milk.

Many farmers and consumers are looking for the freedom to consume raw milk if they wish to, or to sell it to people who are looking to buy it; without the fear of being punished for doing so.

The interstate sale and distribution of raw unpasteurized milk was prohibited back in 87' by the FDA. However, the states have taken their own individual approach when it comes to setting up their own rules surrounding the exchange of this product.

Right now, about 30 different states in the US have legalized sales of raw milk. In some states you can purchase the milk directly from retail locations, but in other states consumers are required to participate in herd shares, other states require consumers to purchase the milk directly from the farmer. In some circumstances you can buy raw goat and sheep milk but not raw cows milk etc. The access to the product varies greatly; depending on the area.

As the trend to push for acceptance of raw milk has increased, so has the media coverage of the health risks and fears about consuming raw unpasteurized milk.

There are only a handful of states that still entirely prohibit unpasteurized raw milk sales. And in other areas the product is highly regulated. The regions that have a strict prohibition in place are areas like Iowa, Montana, Nevada, and Louisiana.

The areas that are more accepting of raw milk retail sales have been states like Idaho, Arizona, California, Washington, and Connecticut.

Sales Are Up

Regardless of the fear mongering over this product, consumers are still taking the risk and they are opting to drink it. Raw milk sales continue to grow and it's expected that the demand is only going to continue.

State health officials will continue to reiterate the warnings about the parasites, bacteria, and harmful viruses etc that could come along with drinking raw unpasteurized milk. But those who enjoy the product, who are convinced that they are reaping benefit from consuming it, are unlikely to pay any attention to the warning.

banner thanks to @son-of-satire


The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


http://healthier.stanfordchildrens.org/en/raw-milk-still-health-hazard-says-stanford-expert/ http://time.com/3627910/raw-milk-outbreaks/ https://www.today.com/health/raw-milk-fans-cheer-looser-state-laws-it-safe-t9086 http://www.bonappetit.com/story/raw-milk-obsession https://www.farmtoconsumer.org/raw-milk-nation-interactive-map/ http://www.kshb.com/news/health/raw-milks-popularity-rises-despite-laws-against-its-sale http://www.foodsafetynews.com/2017/05/what-are-the-odds-840-times-more-likely-for-raw-milk-drinkers/#.WZ03AXQUmpo http://www.ctvnews.ca/lifestyle/raw-milk-advocates-push-to-legalize-sales-across-u-s-1.3379980 https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/may/30/raw-milk-health-superfood-safety-goop

Related Posts:

Raw Milk Legalization Pending In Montana


Bill Introduced In Hawaii That Seeks To Legalize Sales of Raw Milk Products



Nowdays, many foods have negative effects on our health. So we need to inform, find out what is good to eat and what not. You talked about an interesting and well documented subject.

"The areas that are more accepting of raw milk retail sales have been states like Idaho,..." As hard as it may be to believe, one of the reasons my parents moved to Idaho many years ago was because of Idaho's stance on raw milk. We still buy raw milk from a large local chain that is actually farmed by a troubled boys camp. Once you've lived on raw, you'll find it very, very difficult to go back to "white colored water," as my Dad calls it.

Yes it is far superior to pasteurized milk!
Everyone that has ever actually tried the difference agrees!
Silly Americans.....

Good observation. Nice one dude

Here's the issue, as I would describe it.

Meet Bessie. A beautiful cow, with delicious hips, and big, jigglin' teats.

If you know and love Bessie the cow, and you caress her teats and milk her directly into your own empty cup, and then drink it, you will get sick once, which is your immune system building a defense against Bessie's bacteria and viruses.

The second time you sup from Bessie, you won't get sick. You'll be immune. This is also how vaccines work.

But when it comes to retail milk, what they do is they get Claire, Bella, Suzanna, and Ivana the cow, milk all of them at the same time, then mix their milk into one big vat, and then they either process it by pasteurizing it, or they sell it raw.

If they sell it raw, then your body needs to deal with the germs of all of those cows, and if you buy from another farm, or even just another cow is added to the line-up, such as Beth the cow, you have to reset the process.

It's not easy to cope with drinking milk from all these cows. You'll end up very sick if you keep drinking milk from multiple cows whom you don't even know.

But if you just stick to ol' Bessie, then you can tug her teats all you want, and drink her milk freely, because raw milk isn't bad.

It's only when it comes from multiple cows who are always being exchanged for other cows, preventing your immune system from ever building a solid defense against all of these pathogens, that it gets dangerous.

Don't blame the cows. Just practice monogamy, or keep your milk drinking to a limited herd of cows that you personally know, so you can drink the milk warm and fresh from the cows you personally know and love.

Milk for healthy

Thanks for this. What are the benefits?

I heard how there have been some people that mention that milk can lead to an assortment of illnesses.
I don't know how true it is but I won't be surprised from the mass farming that happens and the things they do to cut edges.

In't milk brilliant!

Yeah, they always benefited the whole process, rich became rich, thats the game

Very good topic with useful information.. Thanks for sharing it.

I switched to almond Milk like 5 years ago 😀

Thanks for this information! I will drink more milk from now

In the Indian Villages, body builders often consume the raw milk and they do not have any health related issues so is this study really worth considering. I know many people here in India.

When I think about where milk comes from, it makes me not want to drink any.. Same with meats and fish.. Hectic!

Nice informative post though. Talk soon!

Very useful information.
@doitvoluntarily. Very interesting observations related to the sale of raw milk. In Indonesia also forbids selling raw milk. I am from Indonesia. @nurhayati

There's nothing like raw milk I've drank it all my life

What a ridiculous state Americans are living in. Something so raw aka natural being not only fear mongered but made illegal.....How is it even possible that some dude in a suit could make it illegal for someone to raise an animal and sell some of that milk to someone who of their own sound mind WANTS it???
HAHAHAHAHAHA absolutely absurd!
Anyways the whole pasteurization thing was a scam. The guy who was in charge of pasteurization science fraud admitted decades later that raw milk was actually healthier and that he was basically forced to promote pasteurization because it was better for the mega corp and government profits.
Thanks for the post, looks like you post a lot of quality content. I will try and follow you more closely.


What a ridiculous state Americans are living in. Something so raw aka natural being not only fear mongered but made illegal.....How is it even possible that some dude in a suit could make it illegal for someone to raise an animal and sell some of that milk to someone who of their own sound mind WANTS it???
HAHAHAHAHAHA absolutely absurd!
Anyways the whole pasteurization thing was a scam. The guy who was in charge of pasteurization science fraud admitted decades later that raw milk was actually healthier and that he was basically forced to promote pasteurization because it was better for the mega corp and government profits.
Thanks for the post, looks like you post a lot of quality content. I will try and follow you more closely.


The 'safety agencies, are nothing but corrpt political bodies driving their own agenda's, and has little to do with the healthof the consumer.
Aspartame? Was made legal, and still continues to legal.!

This tells you everything you need to know about 'food safety agencies'.

Listen to yourself, work it out for yourself, because - contrary to popular opinion, your governments don't give flying f*** about you.