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RE: How Many Cups Of Coffee Do You Drink In A Day?

in #health7 years ago

When I was younger, I drank coffee regularly. I liked the rush of attentiveness, but didn't like being caught in the trap of an up and down cycle, making me dependent on having it at the same time each day. I switched to tea, which I liked better because it had the same effect, only milder. Then I stopped drinking both of them and I reached a better balance than before. Later, I added kombucha, which I think is the ideal drink for me.

But I still love the taste of coffee and will have a sip occasionally. I also walk into coffee shops, take a deep breath of the wonderful aromas, and then walk out again, recharged and having spent no money. :)


But now you can start your coffee again because studies prove that its help you to live longer. Being a Pharmacist I also recommend you. You can drink one or two cups in a day. :)

It's good for some, but not for everyone.