Day 2
Presentation is key!
Have you noticed that? You can have the most delicious food on the planet, but if they slop it onto your plate, it's a completely different experience. While I'm in the transition days of this juice fast, (two days of fruits and veggies to ease your body into the fast) it really makes you THINK about what you're eating!
Normally, I tend to eat mindlessly. I'll snack during a movie, eat while I'm writing, or - forget to eat all day so that when I do eat, I inhale my food! I love when I do take the time to actually enjoy a meal with my family and appreciate the flavors and nutrition on my plate. However, it tends to be less than 30% of the time.

side note - if there are any Balsamic vinegar aficionados out there, leave me a comment for the absolute BEST aged (and inexpensive) stuff on the market. It will CHANGE your view of all other Balsamics, I promise you!

*Please never engage in any type of fast without making sure it's okay with your health professional. If you don't use one, then please use wisdom in making your own decisions. My experience is a personal one and not to be taken as medical advice or counsel*
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Beautiful formatting! I love the transparent text :-)
I've got so much admiration for you doing this! I did a 7 day juice fast- I felt great for the first 4 days, then absolutely awful for the last three- tired all the time, just rough. But then I guess doing it and trying to carry on with the full-on pace of day-to-day life might have been a mistake?
You really did make those tomatoes look yummy... though... how how how can you sit and eat a bowl of the foul things? BLEURGH! Mmm I see lots of tasty juices in your future :)
E x
Hahahahhahaa you don't like tomatoes??? Oh gosh they were SOOOOO good!!! And now I miss them abd can't have them for hmm 15 more days! Lolollol
Yes... You are right. You really need to sloooooow down on a fast. If not... You'll hit the wall for sure!
Day 3. Feeling good... But the cravings were strong today. In about 2-3 more days they should be gone (ish) lol
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