Intimate relationships have ceased to please you? You think your age is to blame and nothing can be done? Well, in that case there is nothing left but to accept this fact and reach for a cigarette in order to calm down? Stop! Smoking and erectile dysfunction are “sworn enemies”.
It would seem quite obvious: can smoking cause erectile dysfunction? But not everyone knows the answer to it. Or prefer to ignore this information. When a person smokes, in his body begins a real revolution.
First of all, nicotine, this terrible poison, widens the blood vessels, including those in the brain. Because of this, the smoker feels a surge of vivacity and is ready for sexual experiments. But, alas, every action causes a consequence: after a temporary expansion, the vessels tangibly narrow. As a result — there is lethargy, drowsiness, inability to feel passion and indifference to caresses. After 5-10 years of smoking, the vessels get accustomed to be constantly narrowed, and, concurrently, this destroys the sexual health of men! Smoking effects on erectile dysfunction are indeed terrifying.
Resins and other substances that enter our organism with tobacco smoke increase the levels of "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. The blood of the smoker is denser, poorly saturated with oxygen, rather than blood of people leading a healthy lifestyle, so against the background of all of the above, it moves slower along the network of blood vessels and capillaries. As a result, its inflow to the genital organs decreases. So as you see, due to this deadly habit, the blood poorly fill the organ, that during sex should be firm and stable.
Moreover, nicotine affects not only the firmness of the penis, but also the sperm. With the constant consumption of tobacco, sperm cells are modified, become sluggish, inactive and damaged. It is for this reason that many couples who want to have children cannot get pregnant for a very long time, as the work of spermatozoa is inhibited; basically they have no energy to move along the fallopian tubes in order to fertilize a female egg.
Alas, cigarettes are the worst enemy of an erection. The statistics says: 12% of 30-50 years old men suffering from impotence are sick because of smoking.
We briefly answered the question why does smoking cause erectile dysfunction. But the same reasons that cause erectile dysfunction, later lead to a stroke or a heart attack. After all, the deterioration of blood flow is reflected not only on the genitals.
Those men, who systematically smoke, at least a pack of cigarettes per day, should know that nicotine first affects the work of the lungs. Oxygen does not enter the organism in sufficient quantities. And this in turn affects not only the sexual function, but also the body as a whole:
- Reduces physical activity (a person gets tired much quicker and lazier)
- Shortness of breath
- A smoker constantly suffers from headaches
- The nervous system mercilessly suffers. A smoker becomes irritable, less patient, and restless
- The quality of sleep deteriorates, and yet again, the person constantly feels sleepy and tired, in this state the quality of life and all aspects of it deteriorates
Desire and passion in many ways is a product of hormones and nerves, or using the scientific language, of the neuroendocrine system. Australian researchers decided to find out how it suffers because of smoking. It turned out that smokers have a higher degree of activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system and lower levels of the hormone prolactin. It is prolactin that triggers the production of female hormone estrogen and the male hormone testosterone. If the organism isn’t able to produce these hormones in a sufficient quantity, there is no desire to have sex and, consequently, erectile dysfunction due to smoking.
In addition, since tobacco smoke is a constant source of toxins, the organism reacts to it as to a poison, increasing the production of detoxifying enzymes. They destroy toxins, but what a pity — these enzymes just as well destroy hormones, in particular, those responsible for the reproductive function. Therefore, the levels of estrogens and testosterone in smokers are always lower compared to non-smokers.
If a person started smoking in 16-20 years, then, according to statistics, up to 36-40 years erectile dysfunction is formed. If the man began to smoke at his mature age, this problem occurs much faster. According to urologists, the most common cause of erectile dysfunction in mature age is precisely nicotine addiction. At a young age, it is much easier to restore sexual heath. But the older a man gets, the harder it is to cure erectile dysfunction. Sometimes it is necessary to take a number of medications aimed at restoring male function. Luckily for many men there are effective ED medications and everybody can find a perfect remedy among top 5 ED pills.
What about quitting smoking and erectile dysfunction? How does the rejection of this bad habit affects the erection and can it be improved? It all depends on how long a person smokes, on his age and overall health. What happens to the erectile function, if you give up smoking? First, the organism is cleared of the toxic substances obtained with nicotine. Further, internal organs are restored; their work gradually returns to normal, their metabolic processes improve.
By the way, people often drink alcohol when they smoke and it's just a killing mixture. By using nicotine and alcohol at the same time, we expose our organism to a great torture, because alcohol expands blood vessels, and nicotine, on the contrary, narrows them. With such a controversial influence on the walls of the vessels and body tissues, they are not able to withstand such a load and get ruined much faster.
Now you know that cigarette smoking and erectile dysfunction are closely related.