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RE: Proper Hydration: All Water is Not Equal

in #health7 years ago

Proper hydration also includes getting a balance of mineral intake. That is best achieved by adding a natural sea salt drink to your daily health regimen. Celtic Salt contains about 84 minerals that your body uses to process, restore, rebuild and eliminate, so it's completely different to "table salt". Table salt usually consists of sodium, silica and anti-caking agent, providng a total of only 2 minerals. If it's iodised salt, you get all of 3 minerals. Being "worth your salt", requires that you have had a drink of correctly salted water every day. 1 level teaspoon of Celtic salt, (or other
high quality sea salt) in 250 ml of water per day, will help you not only stay hydrated correctly, but assist your body in preventing and curing pretty much any illness it encounters. But don't trust me, go research why natural sea salt helps your body, and why drinking too much plain water, can actually kill you. HINT: It's because you're flushing out too many minerals, and your body dies from a lack of them. We get most of our minerals from health fruits and vegetables, but we also need it from natural sea salts. Noone tells you this in school, but then, they don't tell you Bidens pilosa cures cancer either ;)