This stuff is on purpose! Pesticides are not the only thing in our food and water harming us. The damn baby boomers sold us out and I mean hard core. The whole new world order idea started with that generation and all of this is part of the plan. Makes me sick! This is why I am very grateful that my family and I love it a farm now and produce a large portion of our own food.
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Good for you brah. In the land of wood, water and speed all we get is cheap chinese injected chicken five days a frikkin week. Dont you dare tell anyone their KFC is bad. If you do they turn you into CFK!
Well yes indeed @lifestyler !! It seems that our Chicken Nuggetz have been fried anyway, at least men concerning ( thanks for your cooment and support )
Yes indeed you are lucky to have your own land and to get quality on your families table ) Yes its funny as the first two comments here both cite the baby boomers as being the guilty !1 They are a indeed and terrible and strange bunch !! They have the best retirements ever seen in the history paid for by the very people they seem to want to destroy ! It makes no sense, I wish it did !! But I thank for your input here and pray that we find an effective way of removing these filthy sorts fingers from our collective futures sooner than later ! As seemingly later will be too late ( Thanks again for your support on my post @dwhntx )
Yeah we just got started last summer on our farm, we ditched the city. Hopefully we will produce even more over the next year. Lol I didn't even notice the baby boomer stuff on the other comments, it's good that people are aware of this! As far as removal, I think that ship has sailed. The federal government is so large and so curropt that I truly don't think we can recover. I would love to form a community on a large tract of land where like minded people could live free and produce all the food and energy that the community requires.