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RE: 1 Square Foot at the @gardenofeden Can Heal Cancer, Hepatitis, Heart Disease, Detox Heavy Metals, and MORE!!

in #health7 years ago

I think its hightime for the medical practitioners to come into the scene to device a medicine using these herbs. Its surely hit the market, imagine can cure cancer and heart disease. It cause a lot of $$$ to treat a cancer patients and if there is a cheaper medicine for that to cure cancer, surely they resort to that things.


All pharmaceuticals are ripped off from nature. The compounds used in drugs were first discovered and isolated from plants. Medical/"healthcare" megacorps have no incentive to empower people by telling them natural medicine pops up out of the dirt for free.

Cancer cures have existed for a really long time, and they have been intentionally suppressed. Cancer is one of the most profitable industries on Earth, and it makes Big Pharma very, very, very rich. There is little to no incentive for the most powerful sector on the planet to actually cure diseases, because then their consumer base AKA profits would dry up.

The system is seriously fucked, as you can see by doing your own research. It is up to each and every individual to choose a better way for their real health, because the system in power does not give a shit about us and will not change.

Solutions exist - nature provides everything we need. Humans just have to reconnect to their roots and this ancient knowledge.