Healthy benefits of Coconut

in #health7 years ago

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A friend of mine was actually very ill,she actually hide it from me because i kicked against her idea of taking cocosion(mixture of various herbs)to me these herbs weren't healthy for her because she was fragile.
According to her,it would relieve her of the malaria.

After the intake of the numerous herbs,she was stooling and vomiting at the same time.

It even got worsen because i noticed she had taken half the bottle,and after she complained to the herbalist(not juju doctor,one who makes herbs) he advised she continued the treatment.
She continually took it thinking it would cure the malaria quickly cause he had early said it(the numerous herbs) was working effectively.

It worsen daily that she started stooling and vomiting blood then she knew she needed help and that was when the call came in.

We couldn't go to the hospital because it was too late but I knew a friend who was a nurse so I called for her attention.

Immediately she came, I explained to the her my friend's predicament,she advised we buy coconut and intake the water because herbs and English drugs don't work hand-in-hand so there was no use.

Luckily for us,she(my gf) had two in her kitchen and immediately we broke it for her to drink.
Few minutes later she was fine,the water had neutralized the herbs.

So I decided to share this healthy benefits of coconut in case it might be of help to someone out there.

Coconut;Its rich in water,calories,iron,calcium, zinc,copper,manganese,protein,thiamine,vitamin c,carbohydrate,magnesium, potassium etc.
Consumption of coconut enhances the immune system and its water is ideal diet for patient including HIV patient.

Malaria prevention and treatment;intake of coconut or its water prevents malaria.

Poison;it neutralizes the prison.

Tuberculosis;air born infectious disease that affects the lungs,can also affect other parts, easily contagious.

Grind coconut and add garlic together and mix with honey.

Take one spoonful,two times daily.

Cocunut also controls cholera ,it expels cholera germs from the intestine,it also replenishes the water and salt loss in cholera attack.

Hair treatment;the oil extracted from coconut is used in treating hair loss.
It's also used for body treatment,it makes the skin glow.

Coconut is anti-bacterial in nature.

Things that work for others might not work for you, the body system of Mr A and that Mr B can never be the same.
Her predicament was as a result of my friend took it,it worked for her so it would work for me.
If you're sick,visit the hospital for proper check up and treatment,if the doctor recommend proper herbs,fine.
Those people producing this herbs you see on the streets most tines don't know what they are mixing,they just want to earn money,don't be a victim of experiment,be wise

Thanks for reading


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Thank you
Would have a look at it

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Wonderful information.
You know I was actually thinking of coconut today and it's health benefits.
You just layed it out well.
Great work

Thank for coming dear

It is true that most herbs are administered by charlatans but there are still some potent herbs. What I took from your post is that body system differs and there is no way to establish what can work for one traditionally and as such orthodox medicine remains supreme.

Your post is quite informative with regards to the efficacy of coconut water in neutralising certain toxins/medicines. I will try that mixture with garlic. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to your next post.

Yea there are some potent herbs especially those ones you prepare yourself.

Yea,all systems are not alike.
Thanks alot

It is true that most herbs are administered by charlatans but there are still some potent herbs. What I took from your post is that body system differs and there is no way to establish what can work for one traditionally and as such orthodox medicine remains supreme.

Your post is quite informative with regards to the efficacy of coconut water in neutralising certain toxins/medicines. I will try that mixture with garlic. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to your next post.

Very informative, not just a coconut lover tho

Thank you
Learn to love it cause its healthy

Hey! It's great you put this out here.. I know a neighbor of mine who died from drinking some herbal mixture.. it's sad because in these modern times you can actually google these things to know which one mixes well with which if you even know what's in it.. but people would prefer to live in ignorant bliss which really doesn't work anymore in these times. I'm glad your friend is fine could've been worse..

Sorry for the loss dear.
One just have to be careful of what they intake these days.
Yea that' s true

Indeed coconut is good for the body

Yea it is

The health benefit of coconut is awesome, a friend of mine who was drunk was able to get back on his feet with the help of coconut water, thnks @emem

Very good
Thanks for coming dear

nice one dearie..
keep it up

Thank you love

Nice one

Thank u dear

@emem I can't agree two persons are the same,not even when it's your mum or dad. Thank you dear for this article-it's my kinda article😍

Yes dear
Thanks for coming love

Wow. I know coconut is a healthy recipe but never knew its depth. Thanks for sharing.

You welcome love

Coconuts have many benefits. Young coconut water makes fresh when drunk. If you are good at making coconut into a food that has a good taste. Coconut is also useful for treating facial beauty. I love reading your article. Much of the science I got. I am a newcomer in steemit, of course I must learn

Thanks for your contribution dear

Thank you very much love
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