Nope, those were not facts. Those are your conditioned beliefs.
I can sense a lot of fear coming from you. I feel your energy. Its ok tho, you either adapt and overcome or you don't... its up to you.
By the way, I did it numerous times, my lungs are strong as a mofo and clean of mucus 💪
Which fact do you think is of a belief?
The facts are good all I'm thinking is why you said someone could die by trying this method when its evident no one can die from it? Since the heat cool downs so quick? And this is still a legitimate method to aid with release of mucus from the lungs, which is the #1 reason people are dying from Covid19 currently - Pneumonia.
So since you debunked the theory, can you just clarify for any reader that its still a safe practice to do and they won't die? XD
I'll fucking correct this post when I get a chance cause you convinced me otherwise.
The deadly part is lulling oneself under the illusion that they can fight off or destroy the virus by breathing in water vapor. It doesn't mean the treatment itself is deadly, I'll give you that. (Unless you are actually trying to kill the virus with hot steam.)
Pneumonia causes the lung cells fill up with fluid, thus blocking oxygen from entering them, and carbon dioxide from leaving. This is commonly called asphyxia, or suffocating.
Steam treatment may alleviate this condition, but it does not cure it. It's up to the immune system to fight off the virus.
I'm glad. And I do apologize if I came on a bit too strong.