
then use pubmed, or scifinder or whatever scientific database you want. They all will give you the same result on this. And not because they are all part of a big conspiracy, but because the vast majority of science states that vaccines are safe

And by the way: people who upvote their own comments...c'mon...

Independent scientists that can't realize the true nature of reality we are living in... really sir?
And then you type all that government-controlled and maintained sites and refer to them as a legitimate sources of information, this is a sad story in my opinion, but looks to me like you are educating yourself from wrong sources most of your life...

This guy thinks he knows more than scientists. Wow.

The other main pusher and defender of water fluoridation at that time was Dr Harold Hodge - who stated countless times:

That low doses of fluoride prevent cavity formation and are not toxic or harmful in any way.

He was a toxicologist for the Manhattan Project - which produced the first nuclear bombs.

Why would a leading toxicologist at Manhatan Project defend water Fluoridation? Because Fluoride is a bi-product when atomic bombs are created. Mr Hodge was in charge of shaping public opinion on the situation. Because the quicker they could make the public believe fluoride is good for them, the quicker they could get rid of it.

Dr Harold Hodge was also conducting experiments on unsuspecting people injecting them with doses of Uranium and Plutonium.
When the victims found out that they were basically lab rats for Mr Hodge:

The US government settled with the victims' families, paying $400,000 per family. Seven victims were injected with material smuggled into a hospital secretly through a tunnel. One unmarried, white 24-year-old woman was injected with 584 micrograms of uranium; another 61-year-old man was injected with 70 micrograms per kilogram of uranium. Hodge also arranged for Dr. Sweet to inject 11 terminally-ill patients with uranium for their brain tumors; however, these subjects may have known they were being tested

Read more HERE

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