Thank you, I am happy to hear that you are open for my perspectives on the theme.
Right now I am exhausted and kind of disenchanted from my latest negotiations with a contractor of mine who dismissed me from my work, not accepting my mask exemption, not agreeing to my given solutions and alternatives to the working situation and not taking responsibility as the manager of a social institution towards a minority but only to the majority of workers, labeling them as the group "to be put under protection".
But aside from my disappointment in the whole affair I am glad that I stood to myself, that I did not let her making me feel bad or guilty for she started to express how angry she felt about me, and the assumptions I made about the bigger conflict she must have. You know, people become angry when someone dares to speak out the conflict, as they never do it themselves, because they fear to have the lesser arguments. She had none and it became clear during our phone call. I asked her to give me written notice and information from where the order comes to dismiss me and not accept my exemption in detail if not from her alone and that I must now think on how I am going to deal with the situation.
Though she immediately understood when I said: "So, you quitting our working relationship, what would be an appropriate reaction of mine? Just saying 'ohhhhh, well, if that is so, that I cannot work here without a mask, then, alright, I understand. Good bye, then!' certainly is not something, you'd expected from me?"
Well, let's see...