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RE: Finding a space where vegans and meat eaters can agree to differ, and still be friends

in #health7 years ago

I don't think such a space exists.
It's like asking: "Finding a space where ethical people and slave owners can agree to differ, and still be friends"

Veganism follows logically from human moral value. So if you are a meat eater but at the same time you think humans have the right to live you can't deny that right to an animal without being logically inconsistent or a speciesist, which has the same logical framework as racism and sexism.

"I eat animals because they are from another species."

"I own black slaves because they are from another race."

"I tell women what to do because they are from another sex."

Rings a bell?
It's hard for an ethical vegan to be friends with a person that is intellectually dishonest and contributes to unnecessary suffering, enslavement, torture, rape and death.

If you can name a trait that is present in animals which if present in humans would justify stabbing a human unnecessarily for food then I'm all ears.
I created a topic here on Steemit so you can familiarize yourself with the #namethetrait argument:

Have a good one :)


Well, you have certainly done what it takes to destroy such a space. You did it by starting your hate based condemnation by calling anyone who disagrees with you a murdering slave owning rapist. Why would I want to discuss anything with you at this point? You have removed any chance of civil conversation by dehumanizing me with your shibboleth. That's a tactic, not an ethic.

I have been thinking about what you might have wanted to achieve with this comment.

  • Have a reasonable discussion? No, you made it clear you didn't want to do that.
  • Convince somebody of the rightness of your stance? It seems very unlikely that this kind of hate speech has ever converted anybody.
  • Make me feel hurt or angry? Sorry, I don't get offended that easily. I know this is about you, not about me.
  • Get an upvote? Nope, you got flagged. Probably because of the contempt you exuded, but it could also have been because you commented without upvoting, which is considered very bad manners here.
  • Gain some followers? I'd be surprised if that happened.
  • Take the opportunity to feel morally superior? Now this is something (the only thing I can think of) that you might have achieved. Hopefully I'm wrong, but if this is really the reason, you might want to think about how ethical that is.

I have responded to this comment as I like to always reply to people who comment on my posts. But I won't reply to any further comments you make.

Maybe he has a beef with you....