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I came to know the above topic through a cousin of mine who had experience of difficulty (4 years after marriage) before she got pregnant. Just like her husband, Okra soup used to be my favourite soup until she visited in Mid-2015 while attending a wedding.
After eating a plate of Garri with Okra soup my sister served her and was about leaving, she called my attention to dangers of excessive intake of Okra. She told me she came to know about it while after several unsuccesful attempts to conceive. 'One day...', she'd said, '...during a counseling session (in the presence of her husband), with a Consultant Gyno, my husband was asked if he has been eating Okra soup of late to which he answered in the affirmative, adding that that was his favourite soup and he ate it almost always'.
The Consultant Gyno asked him to cut it totally. He did and six months later, she got pregnant. Today, they have 2 healthy children.
When I heard that...I didn't believe it. As a Scientist in microbiology by profession, I decided to research further to establish the veracity of her message. And behold...I found out she was right, after all.
I decided to share this encounter with fellow steemians in order to help as much persons as possible to be properly informed about the dangers of excessive consumption of Okra in men.
Known in English-speaking countries as Lady's Finger and native to Africa, Okra has been found to contain a unique substance called 'Gossypol', according to Dr Ochuko Erikainure, a Senior Research Officer at the Federal Institute of Industrial Research (FIIRO), Oshodi, Lagos, Nigeria.
Gossypol inhibits superm production and motility by blocking several enzymes that are highly important in energy metabolism in superm and sperm-producing cells, (Dr. Erikainure, FIIRO).
So for men who are newly married and those whose wives are experiencing delay in conceiving, perhaps cutting down on the amount of Okra you consume might turn out to be that solution that has eluded you for so long.
Thanks for reading, and know that I remain open to educative discourse on this subject.
I am @eurogee
Okro soup, nna is the best, but e no sweet reach banga soup.
Hahahahaba thats true but it is dependent on individuals you know
I have seen such post before but i did'nt yield to it cause i thought its one of those hoax message post on the internet. I love eating vegetable soup prepared with okra . i don't have any choice but to stop eating it. Now i want to ask, hope ogbono soup too don't have the same effect? And thanks for the post anyway...
I dont know about ogbono soup. But for okra soup, despite its many nutritous should cut down the frequency with which you consume it. Thanks
are you sure gee? the only ref to this i could find was a ghanaweb article. . . . . . . . . It could be a nigerian or africanexclusive deal though
Hahahaha...not really. There is a study backing that up... the study was conducted in Nigeria. However. I dont there a global concensus on that
Yeeekaprikpa!!!!! Me wey i like "Ila-Asekpo".....and was planning to make it one of my favourites when i get married.
Thank you brother, i shall look into it a lil more...but i shall heed your advice aslo
Very important bro