Many of the health problems of middle and old age,including high blood pressure, has lived and what he ate,drank and smoke when younger.your chances of living and staying healthy longer are greater if you:
1.Eat well- enough nutritious foods,but not too much rich or greasy food. Avoid getting overweight or fat.
2.Do not drink a lot of alcoholic drinks.
3.Do not smoke.
4.Keep physically and mentally active.
5.Try to get enough rest and sleep.
6.Learn how to relax and deal positively with things that worry or upset you.
High blood pressure: and hardening of the arteries which are the main cause of heart disease and stroke, can usually be prevented or reduce by doing the things recommended above.the lowering of high blood pressure is important in the prevention of heart disease and stroke.persons who have high blood by eating less (if they are overweight), giving up smoking,getting more exercise, and learning to relax, medicines to lower blood pressure (antihypertensive) may medical advice.
Thank you.
wow..nice post very Educative
very informative